GSU President & Vice Presidents

The President and two Vice Presidents of GSU are elected by delegates at the union’s biennial policy convention. As the governing body of GSU, the convention brings together elected representatives to review policies, debate resolutions, and make key leadership decisions.

The President’s and Vice Presidents’ election follows the democratic process outlined in GSU’s constitution and bylaws, ensuring that members have a voice in selecting their leadership.


The GSU President oversees the affairs of GSU on behalf of the Joint Executive Council. He/She shall be the chief elected representative of all the members of GSU. His/Her main function is to ensure that GSU carries out its collective bargaining, representational and constitutional responsibilities while maintaining a viable organization. He/She shall oversee the administration of GSU and ensure that it functions in accordance with its constitution, bylaws and policies.


  1. Attend and preside at all Policy Conventions, Joint Executive Council meetings, and Executive Committee meetings.
  2. Oversee the administration of GSU.
  3. Liaise and consult with the General Secretary.
  4. Sign and execute GSU documents, correspondence, and financial instruments as required.
  5. Promote and represent GSU to the public, government and community at
  6. Organize workers into GSU and carry out such projects, tasks, and mandates as directed by Policy Conventions or the Joint Executive Council.
  7. Initiate actions and programs for development of GSU.
  8. Other duties as required.

Required Qualifications

Must be a member of GSU in good standing. Must swear and abide by the Oath of Office. Willing to be accountable to the members and officers of the Union.

Vice Presidents

The two Vice Presidents assist the President in overseeing the affairs of GSU the Union and together with the President and the Joint Executive Council, the Vice Presidents are responsible for ensuring that the Union carries out its collective
bargaining, representation and constitutional responsibilities. They shall participate in overseeing the administration of GSU.


  1. Attend and assist the President in presiding at all Policy Conventions,
    Joint Executive Council meetings and Executive Committee meetings.
  2. Assist with overseeing the administration of GSU.
  3. Liaise and consult with the General Secretary.
  4. Sign and execute GSU documents, correspondence, and financial instruments as required. Promote and represent GSU to the public, government and community at large.
  5. Organize workers into GSU and carry out such projects, tasks, and mandates as directed by Policy Conventions or the Joint Executive Council.
  6. Assist with the initiation of actions and programs for development of
  7. Other duties as required.

Required Qualifications

Must be a member of GSU in good standing. Must swear and abide by the Oath of Office. Willing to be accountable to the members and officers of GSU. Willing to assume the office of President as the occasion or necessity requires.