GSU regularly reports to its members by email, Tuesday Morning Memo newsletters, bargaining meetings, special membership meetings, and during regular and annual membership meetings.
Three major reports are prepared and distributed to GSU members and published under the Member Services/Reports tab on GSU’s website each year. Members are encouraged to contact the union office to raise questions and seek clarification on any aspect of these reports or any union issue.
Audited Financial statement
The audited financial statement of the union is prepared by Mintz & Wallace chartered accountants in the first quarter of each year. The statement is reviewed and approved by the GSU’s Joint Executive Council (JEC) before it is finalized and distributed to GSU members at membership meetings and on this web page as part of the Joint Executive Council’s annual report.
Joint Executive Council Annual Report
As the name implies, the Joint Executive Council Annual Report is prepared and approved by the JEC each year. The audited financial statements are included in this report. Union members review the report during their spring membership meetings and, after all meetings are complete, the report is made available to members by request and on the web page.
Annual Report of the General Secretary
The Annual Report of the General Secretary is distributed to GSU members at their membership meetings in the autumn each year. Once all meetings are complete, a copy of this report is printed on GSU’s web page.