
View our staff directory here.

In addition to its elected leadership, the GSU has employees who fulfill ongoing administrative, organizing and servicing roles. There are currently six full-time staff members in Regina and Saskatoon.

The chief executive officer of the GSU is the general secretary, who is responsible to the Joint Executive Council. The assistant general secretary, staff representatives, and administrative workers report to the general secretary.

Union staff can speak at union meetings, but they do not have a vote. The staff are members of the Independent Union Services Union and bargain their own collective agreement with the GSU’s Joint Executive Council.

GSU staff are completely independent from your employer, and you can rely on them to protect your privacy and provide you with the best quality advice and assistance.

GSU staff members are down-to-earth, approachable, and easy to find by phone or email, so don’t hesitate to contact the GSU office next time you have a workplace concern.