It’s frustrating when our plans are ruined by the weather. No one wants to go camping, fishing, or get their yard work done in excessive wind, rain, or extreme heat.
Imagine how stressful it would be if your income relied heavily on Saskatchewan’s unstable weather producing heat and moisture in the right form at the right times. With our unpredictable prairie weather, it’s no wonder calls to the Farm Stress line are increasing and more Saskatchewan farmers are seeking mental health support.
Additional help will be available to farmers soon.
Saskatoon-based technology company Bridges Health is working to create a new app that will compile resources and strategies to assist producers who are struggling with their own mental health.
Learn more, here:
- App offers mental health support [The Western Producer]
This article has been printed for entertainment purposes. The views and opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of GSU, its members, officers, or staff.