In the early days of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Saskatchewan a GSU member found themself in a situation of having to self-isolate at home as a result potential exposure to the virus. The member contacted their manager with relevant information as soon as they became aware of the exposure.
The union member’s manager considered the facts provided and advised them not to come to work but to stay at home for the recommended 14-day quarantine period. The manager also said that the time away from work would be charged against the employee’s earned vacation credits.
The employee didn’t think it was fair to have their absence for work charged to vacation credits and contacted a GSU representative who raised the issue with the employer’s HR department. After several conversations it was determined that the work time missed by the employee as a result of self-isolation would be charged to the employee’s earned sick leave credits.
GSU provides the resources and expertise to sort matters out for union members.
The facts and specifics of every workplace issue are important to the outcome. A GSU staff rep has access to information and can help gather all the facts and identify whether your rights have been violated.
Often a brief comment, email or meeting is all that is needed to address a situation. Call us when you think there is a problem to be fixed.