
Not sure which GSU staff representative serves your Local/Sub-local?

View the breakdown here.

Local 1 – Viterra – Operations & Maintenance

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of Operations and Maintenance employees of Viterra Inc. or its successors in the province of Saskatchewan. The Local shall be subdivided into Sub-Locals (as described in Appendix A of GSU’s constitution) to facilitate access and representation for members. The representatives elected by the Sub-Locals shall comprise the Board of Delegates of the Local and the four elected officers designated by the Board of Delegates shall be the Local’s representatives on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 2 – Viterra – Saskatchewan Head Office

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit Regina, SK Head Office employees of Viterra Inc. and its successors. The two elected officers designated by the Local shall be representatives of the Local on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Elected Officers:  Sheila Tran, Howard Wilson, Kaylee Yanoshewski

Local 4 – Grain Millers

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of Grain Millers employees and its successors in the city of Yorkton, SK. The two elected officers designated by the Local shall be the Local’s representatives on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 5 – Western Producer

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of Western Producer (GVIC) employees and its successors. The elected officer designated by the Local shall be the Local’s representative on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 6 – Wild West Steelhead

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of employees of Wild West Steelhead and its successors at the Lucky Lake, SK fish farm. The elected officer designated by the Local shall be the Local’s representative on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 7 – Heartland Livestock

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of employees of Heartland Livestock Ltd. and its successors in the province of Saskatchewan. The Local shall be subdivided into five Sub-Locals as described in Appendix B of this constitution. The Chairperson of the Local or other elected officer designated by the Sub-Locals shall comprise the Board of Delegates of the Local and the elected officer designated by the Board of Delegates shall be the Local’s representative on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 8 – Advance Employees’ Association

Comprising members of the Advance Employees’ Association (AEA) in Regina, SK. Four elected officers designated by AEA shall be the Local’s representatives on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 9 – Trouw Nutrition Chilliwack

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of feed mill workers employed by Trouw Nutrition in Chilliwack, BC. One elected officer designated by the Local shall be the Local’s representative on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 10 – Trouw Nutrition Westlock

Welcome to this new Local comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of feed mill workers employed by Trouw Nutrition in Westlock, AB. They will be working with staff rep Mason Van Luven to bargain their first collective agreement in 2025.

Local 13 – IATSE Local 295

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of employees of IATSE Local 295 in Regina, SK.

Local 14 – Richardson

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of Country Operations and Maintenance employees of Richardson Pioneer or its successors in the province of Saskatchewan. The local shall be sub-divided into ten Sub-Locals as described in Appendix C of GSU’s constitution. The representatives elected by the Sub-Locals shall comprise the Board of Delegates of the Local and the two elected officers designated by the Board of Delegates shall be the Local’s representative on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 15 – Nutrien

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit(s) of Regina office employees, Ag Retail employees, Ag Research and development employees, Seed plant employees and Maintenance and Operations employees of Agrium Ltd./Crop Production Services or their successors in the province of Saskatchewan. The Local shall be divided into 22 Sub-Locals as described in Appendix D to GSU’s constitution. The representatives elected by the Sub-Locals shall comprise the Board of Delegates of the Local and the four elected officers designated by the Board of Delegates shall be the Local’s representative on the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

Local 16 – Lake Country Co-operative

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of employees of the Co-operative at the agricultural centres located at:

a) Highway 2 North, Whitestar Road, Whitestar, SK;
b) Parcel D Plan 85PA22619, Canwood, SK;
c) Parcel D Plan 101815118 ext 278, Prince Albert, SK;

except Director Ag, and Executive Director, Ag.

Local 17 – Discovery Co-op

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of employees of the Co-operative at the Farm Supply centre located at 10060 Hereford Street, North Battleford, SK with the exception of the Agro Division Manager and the Operations Manager.

Local 18 – Lloydminster and District Co-operative Association

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of employees of Lloydminster and District Co-operative Association.

Local 19 – Prairie Co-operative Ltd.

Comprising members of GSU working in the bargaining unit of employees of the Co-operative at the agricultural centres located at:

  • 418 Stanley Street, Cupar, SK
  • 1001 Railway Avenue, Cupar, SK
  • Highway 20 North, Strasbourg, SK Surface Parcel #144988992

with the exception of the Agro Division Manager and Operations Managers.