Defense Fund

The Defense Fund is an important component of union members’ resources. The primary purposes of the GSU Defense Fund is to ensure and provide for the continued operation of GSU and to provide strike/lockout pay to members of GSU in the event they strike or are locked out.

GSU members pay additional dues of 1 percent of regular pay to a maximum of $10 per member per month. These additional dues will continue to be paid into the GSU Defense Fund until suspended by the Joint Executive Council or discontinued by a vote of the members of the union.

The GSU Defense Fund is required to maintain a minimum operating balance of $2.5 million. At September 30, 2023, the market value of GSU Defense Fund assets was $5.4 million, a small decrease in value compared to the June 2023 number of $5.5 million. The decrease stems from the current market volatility in interest rates.

The GSU Defense Fund is administered by a Board of Directors of five members of GSU in good standing who are not elected representatives to the Joint Executive Council of GSU.

The Board of Directors is elected at GSU’s biennial policy conventions. Interim appointments to fill vacancies are conducted by the GSU’s Joint Executive Council as required between policy conventions.

The Defense Fund is audited annually as part of GSU’s annual audit process.

If you have questions about the Defense Fund or the Board of Directors, contact your GSU staff rep.