The Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan (PATHS) is working with survivors, advocates, unions and employers to raise awareness of the impact of intimate partner violence (also known as domestic violence) on the workplace. As part of their project they are conducting a survey of Saskatchewan workers to explore their experience of intimate partner violence and it how it impacted them at work.
There is mounting evidence that the impact of intimate partner violence on workers and workplaces is significant.
In 2009, intimate partner violence (IPV) cost female employees $20,943,599. The economic impact of IPV against females on the output of employers was estimated at $6,194,356. Further, the total economic impact of IPV against females on employers due to tardiness and distraction is estimated to be $44,858,528 (Zhang, Hoddenbagh, McDonald & Scrim, 2013).
The cost of violence against women in Canada – including health care, criminal justice, social services, lost wages and productivity – has been estimated at $4.2-billion annually, according to the Canadian Women’s Foundation” (Globe and Mail, January 2013).
Specific language on IPV is making its way into Occupational Health and Safety Legislation in some Canadian jurisdictions. Employers have a duty to safeguard their employees. There is an increasing recognition that employers should have a policy against IPV and should address the problem in employment contracts and workplace policies.
Saskatchewan has the unfortunate distinction of having the highest per capita rate of intimate partner violence, sexual assault and intimate partner homicide among the Canadian provinces.
It’s time for a culture shift. Will you be part of the change?
PATHS is asking workers in Saskatchewan to take part in their survey. It will take about 15 minutes to complete.
The Survey Link is available here.
If you have questions about the survey or would like to become involved in the PATHS project, contact Provincial Association of Transition Houses and Services of Saskatchewan using the information below:
Phone : 306.522.3515
Fax : 306.522.0830