Bargaining update: New agreement for Local 9 (Trouw), bargaining continues in Local 17 (Discovery Co-op), Local 18 (Lloydminster Co-op)

New agreement for Local 9 – Hi-Pro (Trouw Nutrition)

Members of GSU Local 9 voted and ratifiedĀ a new collective agreement on January 7.

Notable improvements to the collective agreement included the addition of a complete severance package paying two weeks of severance per year of service (capped at 52 weeks), and wage increases that will help members keep up with the rising cost of living in BC. 

Congratulations to GSU’s bargaining committee of GSU staff representative Steve Torgerson, Kelly Sarezky and Kevin Clarke and thank you for their hard work in concluding a new agreement.

Local 17 – Discovery Co-op 
Bargaining sessions for this local were held Jan.  2 and 3 and Jan. 9 and 10.

Local 18 – Lloydminster Co-op 
Union and management committees met for bargaining sessions on Jan. 8 and 11.