Local 15 (Nutrien)

As bargaining gets underway, we’ll be sharing regular updates to keep you informed about progress and developments.

To ensure you don’t miss any important news, contact GSU staff representative Mason Van Luven at Mason@gsu.ca and ask to be added to the bargaining update email list.

The current GSU Local 15 – Nutrien Operations collective agreement expired Dec. 31, 2024, and preparations are underway for agreement renewal negotiations.

Local 15 (Nutrien) bargaining set to begin in April

The first bargaining session has been confirmed for April 2 to 4 in Regina.

The collective agreement expired on December 31, 2024, but all the rights and entitlements contained in it carry over until a new contract is signed and ratified by the Local 15 membership. 

Tuesday Members’ Memo – Jan. 21, 2025

The Local 15 (Nutrien) bargaining committee met on January 16 and 17 to begin preliminary preparations for bargaining. The Local’s elected board of delegates will convene on January 29 to review the committee’s work and finalize a draft proposal to present to the company.

Bargaining dates are not yet set with company but we anticipate that will change in February.

(L-r) Matthew Hawreschuk (Melfort), Mason Van Luven (GSU staff) Amanda Filipchuk (Canora), Steve Torgerson (GSU general secretary), Lynn Shaw (Craik).