It’s spring visitation time! GSU staff reps are heading out to see GSU members

Questions? Concerns? Here’s another opportunity to share them with us

It’s spring visitation time for GSU members! GSU staff reps are hitting the road in May and June with a goal of checking-in with as many GSU members as possible.

Conversations will vary between Locals, but at a minimum you can expect to receive a physical copy of the Joint Executive Council’s annual report to members and an opportunity to tell your staff rep what challenges you are facing in your workplace and address any concerns you may have.

We don’t anticipate a shortage of topics and questions from members as a number of Locals are finalizing negotiated bargaining settlements and others are preparing to hit the bargaining table later this year; Board meetings are being planned in June for Locals 1 (Viterra) and Local 14 (Richardson); and clarification of collective agreement application is always requested. Nothing is off the table for discussion, so start lining up questions for your staff rep.

If you have a preferred date or time you and your co-workers would like to meet with your GSU staff rep, reach out to us by email, phone or text and reserve a time and place that works for you.

GSU’s annual membership meetings are just around the corner

As often and as safely as possible, we will to return to in-person annual meetings and use Zoom and other online meeting platforms when in-person attendance is not desirable. The current surge in COVID cases in Saskatchewan will inevitably throw curves at our plans, but we will adapt.

Annual Local meetings are an excellent opportunity for GSU members to raise issues that require attention and to have a say on the administration of their union and to vote matters – such as continuation of dues being paid into the GSU Defense Fund, election of officers, and amendments to the union’s bylaws and constitution.

“We do our best to make GSU meetings as user friendly as possible and we focus on completing meetings in a timely fashion”, said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “I hope everyone is able to attend and reconnect after the long interruption of the COVID pandemic.”