- Local 5 (Western Producer)
Members met in early October and finalized their proposals. Oct. 22, 28, and 29 are scheduled for negotiations with company representatives.
- Local 6 (Wild West Steelhead)
Notice to bargain will be served in November. Members will be putting together their proposals at their next meeting.
- Local 7 (Heartland)
Notice to bargain has been served. There are no dates scheduled for bargaining.
- Local 15 (Nutrien)
Elected representatives met Sept. 19 and finalized their bargaining proposals package. Notice to bargain has been served to the Company. No bargaining dates have been scheduled. - Local 16 (Lake Country Co-operative)
The new collective agreement has been signed by the Company and the Union. - Local 17 (Discovery Co-op)
The members voted to accept the company’s final offer and the terms of the agreement are being implemented. The highlights of the settlement include a 1.25% increase in each of four years retroactive to Nov. 1, 2018 and a $1,500 lump sum payment to each employee. - Local 18 (Lloydminster & District Co-operative Association)
The new collective agreement has been drafted for review, approval, and signature by the parties.
Bargaining updates and information will be shared in our Tuesday Members’ Memos and here, on our web page.