On May 20 GSU Local 15 bargaining spokesperson Dale Markling sent an email update to Local 15 members. If you did not receive the update we don’t have your current email address in our database.
If you would like to be added to GSU’s database and receive updates like this one, send us an email at gsu@gsu.ca and let us know.
May 20, 2020
The Company and GSU are still in negotiations. The last time we met was on February 18 and 19 when Nutrien made an offer that GSU’s bargaining committee took away to consider. Since then normal planning for in person bargaining meetings and other union/management business has been overtaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. We are in the process of rescheduling bargaining with Nutrien, albeit in dramatically changed circumstances.
The Company is trying to take some of the benefits you currently enjoy out of the Collective Agreement. Your bargaining unit has fought for and had these benefits incorporated as part of the Collective Agreement for many years. While from time to time they may have changed, however, the members had an opportunity to negotiate around those changes.
On wage increases GSU’s committee is pushing for guaranteed increases for employees in recognition of rises in the cost of living as opposed to solely aggregate or average wage increases that reward some, but don’t do much for so many employees.
The Company and the Union are in discussions to commence scheduling a resumption of bargaining in order to negotiate a settlement worthy of the commitment and hard work of GSU members. The Company is going to respond with dates and once something is scheduled I will advise you of this.
I understand this is a busy time for everyone, we are hopeful the upcoming bargaining meetings will produce an acceptable settlement, In the meantime during this busy time, stay safe and stay well.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the bargaining or other workplace issues.
Dale Markling
GSU Local 15 bargaining spokesperson / GSU Staff Representative
Grain and General Services Union
306. 384.7314 office / 306.229.9299 cell