GSU members, officers and staff attended the 64th annual Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL) convention in Saskatoon Oct. 23, 24 and 25.
The SFL represents nearly 100,000 unionized workers across Saskatchewan in nearly every sector imaginable, and convention is an opportunity for members from many unions to gather and hear inspiring speakers; debate resolutions; participate in campaigns, marches, and reconciliation exercises; and even squeeze in time for socializing and fundraising.
In addition to resolutions and the usual business of convention, the year’s agenda included the KAIROS Blanket Exercise, Winning Pharmacare in a Minority Government, Minister of Labour Hon. Don Morgan’s address, Panel on Precarious Work, and more.
(Top L-r) GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner, ILWU secretary treasurer Bob Dhaliwal, RWDSU chief shop steward Devinder Bains, GSU president Jim Brown, and GSU vice president/SFL vice president Brett North.
(Bottom) Members of GSU’s delegation seated at GSU’s table on the convention floor.