As a worker, it’s frightening to think that your employer can demand concessions to your pension plan.
As a GSU member, the good news is this time it’s not your employer demanding pension concessions. The same can’t be said for nearly 800 Co-op Refinery workers are still on the picket line trying to protect their pension plans.
Choosing to strike is never an easy decision.
Negotiations between Unifor and Federated Co-op hit an impasse when the employer demanded massive concessions on pensions, despite an explicit commitment during the last round of bargaining to maintain the current pension plan.
Would you be willing to strike over major concessions to your pension plan? Or would you look the other way?
Look beyond Facebook and media headlines. Challenge yourself to talk to a locked-out worker and ask them why they’ve been on a picket line for a month in the middle of winter.
You can help. Support fellow workers by supporting picket lines wherever they appear. Learn more about this dispute and the resulting Unifor 594 boycott of Federated Co-op here.