In the near future GSU’s elected officers will vote to elect a new director. Please let us know if you are interested in being a candidate.
Details are available, below.
Contact the GSU office in Regina if you are a member of GSU Local 1 (Viterra Country Operations & Maintenance) or Local 2 (Viterra Regina Office) or Local 14 (Richardson) or Local 15 (Nutrien) and you are interested in being a candidate to fill a vacancy of the board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund.
On behalf of union members, the board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund is responsible for overseeing the administration and investment of the Fund assets of $4.5 million. The primary purpose of the Fund is to provide income protection and assistance to GSU members who are engaged in a strike or lockout.
The board of directors meets three times a year by conference call and at least once per year in person. Time off work for directors to attend to Defense Fund business is paid for by GSU along with directors’ travel, meal and hotel expenses.