From: Lori Johb []
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019 10:02 AM
To: Lori Johb <>
Subject: News Release – Solidarity Committee UFCW 1400
Importance: High
SFL Central Strategy Committee,
Please see below and attached. A motion from the Central Strategy Committee meeting March 21st, 2019.
Please see attached the News Release regarding the Solidarity Committee that was formed in support of UFCW 1400 striking workers at the Saskatoon Coop and went out this morning. Please share this with your members along with the message you wish to convey to them. We avoided using the word ‘boycott’ as the request was withdrawn, however some will encourage their members to not support any Coop, FCL or FCL Holdings while the strike is on.
For your reference the motion passed at the Central Strategy Committee reads;
Motion that the SFL support a solidarity campaign urging union members to not shop at Co-ops across Saskatchewan, including FCL and FCL Holdings, until the Saskatoon Co-op has settled its dispute with UFCW 1400 members.
Please let me know if you have questions. I am certain we will have further solidarity actions to follow in the coming days.
In Solidarity,
Lori Johb, PresidentSaskatchewan Federation of Labour