There are some pretty alarming statistics floating around today.
- Globally, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds. And for each person who takes their own life, there are 25 other people who tried, but were unsuccessful.
- High-income countries, including Canada, have the highest suicide rates.
- Nearly three times as many men as women die by suicide in high-income countries.
Make today better for someone
- Talk to someone you are worried about.
- Show your support for mental health by sharing a message of hope on your social media
- Use the hashtags #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, #WSPD2019, and #YouMakeTodayBetter to share the message you care.
Help is right here, whenever you need it:
Suicide Prevention Lines
(Canada) Crisis Services Canada – Suicide Prevention and Support – 24/7 Hours
Prince Albert Mobile Crisis Unit – Mon – Fri 4 pm – 8 am, Sat – Sun 24 hours
Regina Mobile Crisis Services – Suicide Line – 24/7 Hours
Saskatoon Mobile Crisis – 24/7 Hours