BARGAINING: Local 1 & 2 (Viterra): May 25, 5:00 PM deadline for CARs and Operations Maintenance staff volunteers willing to serve on the bargaining committee

The Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) Board of Delegates met on May 16 to discuss adding additional members to the bargaining committee to bring the specific perspectives of Customer Account Representatives (CARs) and Maintenance employees to the bargaining table. Board members voted unanimously to consider the volunteers who had put their names forward.

Upon learning only one member had put their name forward, board members expressed concern that not enough time was provided for the process and, more importantly, members were not aware they could put their names forward for consideration.

After thorough discussion, the board voted and approved an extension of the time frame available for members to volunteer for a position on the bargaining committee as follows:

  • Any GSU Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) members who are either Customer Account Representatives or Operations Maintenance staff and would like to serve on the bargaining committee should email GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson ( and volunteer to have their name stand for election by the Board of Delegates.
  • This volunteering process will be be open until Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
  • All volunteering members will be given an opportunity to provide a statement of why they want to join the bargaining committee.
  • A Board of Delegates meeting will be convened on May 25 to elect additional members to the committee.

Your elected delegates will be working to raise awareness of this opportunity and to encourage members to volunteer for the position(s). They ask that all CARs and Maintenance staff consider volunteering to join the bargaining committee. Your voice and your unique perspective is wanted. Please step forward to assist and strengthen your bargaining committee.

Contact general secretary Steve Torgerson if you have any questions.