Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) new collective agreements are signed and in effect

Clockwise, left to right: General Secretary and bargaining spokesperson Steve Torgerson; Jim Brown, Local 1; Dave Barrett, Local 1; Mason Van Luven, GSU staff; Kaylee Kruger, Local 2; and Howard Wilson, Local 2 signed the agreements on March 22.

On March 22, members of the Local 1 Board of Delegates and the Local 2 Executive Committee met at GSU’s Regina office to sign their respective collective agreements. The signed agreements were then delivered to Viterra for signature by company officials and the new agreements and all the entitlements they contain are fully effective.

You can view the agreements using the COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS tab above and clicking on Viterra.

We will be printing booklets for members. As soon as they are available we will work with our elected delegates to get copies into members’ hands.

LOCALS 1 & 2 (Viterra) update: Executive grievances filed on unpaid 4.5% pay increase, retro pay

Grievance v. Executive Grievance

The biggest difference between an executive grievance and an individual grievance is who ‘owns’ it.

  • An individual grievance is filed by a member (or a few members) over a specific issue that has impacted them.
  • An executive grievance is filed by the Local or union and covers all members who are impacted by the specific issue.

Executive grievances filed over unpaid 4.5% retro, pay increases 

Feb. 29, 2024

GSU Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) have filed executive grievances with Viterra, as follows:

Each Local is responsible for their own grievance and the elected officers of each Local will manage the process.

We expect a response from the company within a few days. At that point, we will arrange meetings with Viterra to work through the various steps in the grievance process.

Local 1 and 2 members who are on our email list dedicated to these grievances will be kept up-to-date on progress. Elected officers from the Locals will also be updated on the progress of the grievances. Members who want to join the email update list – or those who have questions about these specific grievances or grievances in general – are encouraged to contact GSU’s general secretary Steve Torgerson.


Enforcing the 4.5% increase, 4.5% retroactive payments

Feb. 2024

It’s become apparent that Viterra isn’t budging on their stance regarding the final offer wording. They have told the media that they’re sticking to a process consistent with past collective agreements to apply the 4.5% increase. The question Local 1 and 2 members are asking is why they aren’t using the process outlined in the new final offer, which states it’s to be paid to all employees effective January 1, 2023, and to active members as of December 31, 2023.

GSU is committed to taking every available step to enforce the 4.5% increase. We are currently gathering information from affected members regarding what they received (or didn’t receive) and the specific details of each case. Members who haven’t received the full 4.5% increase or full 4.5% retroactive payments are asked to complete an information form to help determine the scope of the issue as we fight for the increase and retro pay for all members. Background information is available in Update #44/Feb. 7 available here

GSU Local 1 and 2 officers reviewing all available options to fight for entitlements of the Final Offer

Source: GSU bargaining committee update #43 – Feb. 2, 2024

Some members of Local 1 and 2 have been examining their pay stubs and noticing that there are problems with the 4.5% increase they were expecting to receive.

This is happening in various ways.

  • Some members get no increase or retro pay.
  • Some members getting an increase and retro pay on only some of their pay last year.
  • As well as questions about retro pay on overtime and the STIP from last year.
  • And other questions and concerns.

In the union’s Feb. 2, 2024 update to Local 1 and 2 members, GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson says, “I can confirm that the company has advised that they are taking the 4.5% increase, which they say is not based on performance, and using their pay for performance eligibility to decide who gets it. Even though the language in the final offer states, everyone is to get the 4.5% increase if they were an active employee as of December 31, 2023.”

GSU is committed to fighting for its members to receive the entitlements contained in this final offer. In the coming days, GSU and Local 1 and 2 officers will be reviewing all available options.

GSU will be sending Local 1 and 2 members a to complete if they have issues with the 4.5% increase for 2023. 

“Even though some will say this only affects 25% of members in Local 1 and 2, I would disagree. When a company thinks, it can try to withhold a negotiated wage increase it makes me wonder what is the next thing they will try to get away with?” Torgerson says. “This is why this attack on your collective agreement has to be challenged and fought, and I know all members of Local 1 and 2 will stand together through this.”

Members are experiencing problems getting their Retroactive Pay

Tuesday Members’ Memo – Jan. 30, 2024

With the recent vote accepting the company’s final offer at Local 1 and 2, all eyes turned towards finalizing the new collective agreement and when retro pay will be processed and paid to members. With negotiations taking 15 months, the increase of 4.5% effective January 1, 2023 means that a lot of members are looking at substantial retro payments.

All too quickly, Viterra has changed their tune and is now saying that not all employees in the bargaining units will get the 4.5% increase or retro pay for 2023. Members have begun to look at their pay stubs and are not seeing any increase or retroactive payments for the hours of work they put in for 2023.

“I have reached out to Viterra HR to inquire why some members – potentially as many at 80 – did not receive the negotiated increase or any retro for 2023,” said GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson, “I thought it was a simple mistake, but now it appears that Viterra is backing down from their own final offer that members voted on and accepted.”

“It’s a shameful and dirty move if they decide not to follow their own Final Offer.”

GSU and Locals 1 and 2 are waiting for a response from Viterra. If this is not resolved in the manner to which it was negotiated, we will be looking at all options.


Local 1 & 2 (Viterra): Feb. 2 update on 4.5% Increase and Retro Pay


Source: GSU bargaining committee update #43 – Feb. 2, 2024

Some members of Local 1 and 2 have been examining their pay stubs and noticing that there are problems with the 4.5% increase they were expecting to receive.

This is happening in various ways.

  • Some members get no increase or retro pay.
  • Some members getting an increase and retro pay on only some of their pay last year.
  • As well as questions about retro pay on overtime and the STIP from last year.
  • And other questions and concerns.

In the union’s Feb. 2, 2024 update to Local 1 and 2 members, GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson says, “I can confirm that the company has advised that they are taking the 4.5% increase, which they say is not based on performance, and using their pay for performance eligibility to decide who gets it. Even though the language in the final offer states, everyone is to get the 4.5% increase if they were an active employee as of December 31, 2023.”

GSU is committed to fighting for its members to receive the entitlements contained in this final offer. In the coming days, GSU and Local 1 and 2 officers will be reviewing all available options.

GSU will be sending Local 1 and 2 members a to complete if they have issues with the 4.5% increase for 2023. 

“Even though some will say this only affects 25% of members in Local 1 and 2, I would disagree. When a company thinks, it can try to withhold a negotiated wage increase it makes me wonder what is the next thing they will try to get away with?” Torgerson says. “This is why this attack on your collective agreement has to be challenged and fought, and I know all members of Local 1 and 2 will stand together through this.”

Members are experiencing problems getting their Retroactive Pay

Tuesday Members’ Memo – Jan. 30, 2024

With the recent vote accepting the company’s final offer at Local 1 and 2, all eyes turned towards finalizing the new collective agreement and when retro pay will be processed and paid to members. With negotiations taking 15 months, the increase of 4.5% effective January 1, 2023 means that a lot of members are looking at substantial retro payments.

All too quickly, Viterra has changed their tune and is now saying that not all employees in the bargaining units will get the 4.5% increase or retro pay for 2023. Members have begun to look at their pay stubs and are not seeing any increase or retroactive payments for the hours of work they put in for 2023.

“I have reached out to Viterra HR to inquire why some members – potentially as many at 80 – did not receive the negotiated increase or any retro for 2023,” said GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson, “I thought it was a simple mistake, but now it appears that Viterra is backing down from their own final offer that members voted on and accepted.”

“It’s a shameful and dirty move if they decide not to follow their own Final Offer.”

GSU and Locals 1 and 2 are waiting for a response from Viterra. If this is not resolved in the manner to which it was negotiated, we will be looking at all options.


We’ve confirmed that retro pay will be processed, paid Jan. 31

GSU has confirmed that Viterra will be processing and paying all retroactive payments for 2023 on January 31, 2024. Based on the Company’s Final Offer, all eligible members will receive their 4.5% increases for 2023, retroactive to January 1, 2023. The Final Offer states that eligible members will receive it, and your hire date and what is in your Letter of Offer should determine your eligibility.

Members are asked to do the math and double-check the information and the amount of their pay, and notify their elected delegate or GSU staff representative if there are any questions or problems. Likewise, If you don’t receive any retro pay on January 31, 2024, please reach out to your delegate or staff representative.

GSU is working with Viterra to write the new collective agreements. We expect this should be done within the next few weeks and, when that process is complete, union and company representatives will sign the agreement and that is the date a number of the changes in the agreement will take effect.

Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) members vote to accept Company’s Jan. 4, 2024 offer

Jan. 19, 2024 — On Jan. 19, ballots cast by GSU Local 1 (Operations & Maintenance) and 2 (Viterra Head Office) members over the past two weeks were counted by their elected officers. It was determined that Local 1 and Local 2 members independently voted to accept the company’s January 4, 2024, Final Offer.

Following signatures by union and company officials on the appropriate documentation in the upcoming weeks, this round of bargaining will be concluded. 

Background information is available here

Vote complete, ballots to be counted Jan. 19

Jan. 18, 2024 – 4:00PM — The GSU Local 1 and Local 2 membership vote on the company’s Jan. 4, 2024 *Final Offer* is complete. Throughout the ratification process, members have adhered to work-to-rule guidelines.

Ballots will be counted by elected GSU officers on Jan. 19, 2024 and results will be released to members.

During their Jan. 5 meeting, elected officers from Local 1 and 2 concluded that there was enough difference between the company’s January 4 Final Offer and the company’s previous November 2023 Final Offer that members should have the opportunity to vote on this most recent offer.

Members of Local 1 and 2, if they have not already, are strongly encouraged to subscribe to the bargaining update newsletters using their personal email addresses. This precaution is advised as company addresses may not be accessible in the event of a labour disruption.


Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) members to vote on company’s Jan. 4, 2024 Final Offer

JAN. 5, 2024 – 12:45 P.M. – GSU Local 1 and Local 2 will be voting on the company’s Jan. 4, 2024 Final Offer. They will be working to rule during the ratification process.

At their meeting this morning, Local 1 and 2 elected officers decided that the company’s January Final Offer was different enough from the November Final Offer that members should decide on it for themselves. Accordingly, they have decided to take the January Final Offer to members for a vote.

Additional information will be made available to members shortly, so check your email for updates.



Viterra presents another Final Offer to GSU’s bargaining committees

JAN. 4, 11:00 P.M. – The GSU bargaining committees of Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) met with Viterra representatives on Jan. 3 and 4 with the assistance of the federally-appointed mediator. Late into the evening of Jan. 4, Viterra presented another Final Offer to the bargaining committee.

The company is currently preparing the Final Offer document and it will be presented to the Local 1 Board of Delegates and Local 2 Executive Committee Jan. 5 at 9:30 a.m. Your elected officers will review the offer and decide on next steps regarding ratification and strike action.

Please stay in touch with your elected delegate in the hours to come. They will notify everyone of decisions made at the meeting, and GSU general secretary/bargaining spokesperson Steve Torgerson will send a follow-up email to all members as quickly as possible.

Members of Local 1 and 2, if they have not already, are strongly encouraged to subscribe to the bargaining update newsletters using their personal email addresses. This precaution is advised as company addresses may not be accessible in the event of a labour disruption.



Local 1 & 2 (Viterra): Notice of strike action served

On Jan. 2, GSU general secretary and chief bargaining spokesperson Steve Torgerson provided Viterra’s Director of Employee and Labour Relations with 72-hours’ notice of intention to initiate strike action as early as Jan. 5 at 2:00 p.m. local time.

“This strike notice underscores the urgency and gravity of the situation,” said Torgerson. “If significant progress is not made during the upcoming negotiations on January 3 and 4, GSU members are prepared to initiate strike action to secure a fair collective agreement.”

Copies of Torgerson’s letters of strike notice are available here:

The bargaining committees of Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) are scheduled to meet Viterra representatives on Jan. 3 and 4 with the assistance of the federally-appointed mediator. While your bargaining committees express cautious optimism and remain committed to securing the best possible collective agreement, it is prudent to stay prepared for any circumstance.

MEDIA RELEASE – GSU Local 1, 2 (Viterra) members vote, accept Company’s Jan. 4 offer

Members Approve Company’s Final Offer, Paving the Way for Collective Agreement Changes with Viterra

JANUARY 19, 2024, REGINA, SK–This morning, elected officers tallied the results of the recent ratification vote on the Jan. 4, 2024 final offer of Viterra Canada. The members of Grain and General Services Union (GSU) Local 1 (Viterra Country Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Regina Head Office) have given their thumbs up, voting in favour of accepting the final offer from their employer.

The result does not show overwhelming support for the final offer.

“Members of Local 1 and 2 have been living under the company’s so-called pay-for-performance system for 15 years now,” said Steve Torgerson, bargaining spokesperson and GSU general secretary. “While the changes in the final offer achieve part of what members were looking to gain, it doesn’t go far enough. Members will continue to press the company during the term of the new agreement to address their concerns.”

As a result of this approval, the bargaining process will now move into the next phase, where GSU and Viterra will work together to incorporate the agreed-upon changes into the new collective agreement.

“This offer was accepted by the majority of members of both Locals, but members still have their sights set on more improvements next time,” said Torgerson. “It is important to point out that there are improvements gained in this deal. Improvements we have been working on for years. Improvements that will benefit members today and in years to come.”

“As a democratic organization driven by members, I am proud of the members of Local 1 and 2 for their dedication to the process, by holding each other to account and striving for better working conditions for everyone,” Torgerson said. “While the members of these Locals don’t all believe in the same things, they have committed to stick together and continue to do the hard work it takes to build a strong and representative union.”


For information, contact:

Steve Torgerson, General Secretary
Grain and General Services Union (ILWU · Canada)
Work phone 306.522.6686, ext. 226
Cell phone 306-529-5925

GSU Local 1, 2 (Viterra) officers suspend Strike Action pending ratification vote

JANUARY 5, 2024, REGINA, SK – Grain and General Services Union Local 1 (Country Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Regina Head Office) representing Viterra Canada Inc. employees have decided to suspend the previously-announced strike action scheduled for this afternoon at 2:00 p.m., pending the results of a ratification vote by its members.

After careful consideration, union officers have determined that it is in the best interest of the members to allow them the opportunity to vote on the company’s Jan. 4, 2024 final offer.

Union officials acknowledge the frustration among members and have decided that, during the period leading up to the ratification vote, employees will not be on legal strike but will engage in a “work to rule” approach. This means members will strictly adhere to work-related rules and procedures without undertaking any additional work beyond their contractual and legal obligations.

“Our officers understand the concerns and frustrations of our members. The decision to suspend the strike action is a strategic move to give our members the chance to participate in the democratic process and have their voices heard through a ratification vote,” said GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson.

The ratification votes will begin in the coming days and the ballots will be counted on January 19, 2024. The union remains committed to advocating for the best interests of its members and achieving a fair and satisfactory resolution through the negotiation process.

Information will be released as it becomes available.




MEDIA RELEASE – Viterra presents another Final Offer to GSU Locals 1 and 2

JANUARY 4, 2024, REGINA, SK – Following extensive negotiations that continued into the evening, Viterra presented a new Final Offer to the GSU bargaining committee. The first Final Offer in these negotiations was rejected by our members in November 2023.

The elected officers of Locals 1 and 2 will meet January 5, 2024, starting at 9:30 a.m. to review the offer.



MEDIA RELEASE – GSU Locals 1 & 2 Serve 72-Hour Strike Notice Amidst Vital Negotiations with Viterra

JANUARY 2, 2024, REGINA, SK – After more than a year of tireless negotiations seeking fair wages, improved work-life balance, and workplace respect, members of GSU Local 1 (Viterra Country Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Regina Head Office) are taking a stand to secure a fair collective agreement. Today GSU issued 72-hour strike notice to Viterra Canada Inc. and the Federal Minister of Labour, Hon. Seamus O’Regan of their intent to strike as early as January 5, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. local time.

Following the rejection of Viterra’s final offer on December 15, 2023, GSU’s bargaining committee engaged in efforts to resume negotiations. An agreement on resuming negotiations has been reached, and talks are scheduled to take place on January 3 and 4, 2024, in Regina.

“This strike notice provides for time for the company to come back to negotiations and address members concerns,” said GSU General Secretary Steve Torgerson, “But members are not willing to give the company much longer. It is time for them to take bargaining seriously.”

GSU is deeply rooted in its commitment that all workers deserve fair and just rewards for their labour. Members are unwilling to wait any longer for a resolution that addresses their legitimate concerns. “This strike notice given by GSU members underscores the urgency and gravity of the situation,” Torgerson said. “If significant progress is not made during the upcoming negotiations on January 3 and 4, GSU members are prepared to initiate strike action to secure a fair collective agreement.” 


MEDIA RELEASE – GSU members reject Viterra’s Final Offer

DECEMBER 15, 2023, REGINA, SK – After more than a year of negotiations, the members of Grain and General Services Union (GSU) Local 1 (Viterra Country Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Regina Head Office) in Saskatchewan have reached a critical juncture in their bargaining relationship with Viterra. Frustrated by the lack of progress and seeming disregard for their concerns, union members in both Locals have overwhelmingly voted to reject the company’s final offer. Ballots on the offer were counted in Regina on Dec. 15. This was preceded by a vote and resounding message of unity in Nov. 2023 when members expressed their dissatisfaction with the company’s actions and overwhelmingly voted to authorize strike action should it become necessary. 

“The strong rejection vote across both Locals is no real surprise,” said GSU general secretary and bargaining spokesperson Steve Torgerson. “Members have been clear from the beginning that they need real wage increases written into their collective agreements. This final offer from Viterra does not provide that.”

The key issues at the heart of these negotiations include reliable wage increases, better work-family balance, health and safety and greater respect in the workplace. Despite the union’s repeated attempts to engage in meaningful dialogue, the company’s lack of movement or concern has left members disheartened and disappointed.

“With the Bunge acquisition of Viterra, I thought Viterra would come to the bargaining table prepared to reach a deal. I’m surprised these negotiations are still dragging on,” said Viterra employee and union bargaining committee member Kaylee Yanoshewski. “We’re asking for what is being seen in other recent contract settlements, and we want language in our collective agreement that clearly states what we will be earning.”

The rejection of the final offer comes right before the holiday season and near the end of a good harvest in parts of Western Canada.

“It is disheartening to see a company that boasts billions in profits and a large stake in Canadian grain handling fall short in valuing its most important asset – its employees,” Torgerson said. “For the past 70 years, GSU members have been the backbone to Saskatchewan Wheat Pool and now Viterra’s success. They have witnessed the shift from a company deeply invested in farmers and communities to Viterra, which seems more focused on profit and consolidation.”

“Our members are asking their employer to recognize that their commitment and contributions significantly contribute to Viterra’s profit margins, and that there is an important balance between profitability and the well-being of its workforce.”

The decision to authorize a strike was not taken lightly by the union members, who remain hopeful that the company will reevaluate its position and return to the bargaining table in good faith. The union emphasizes its commitment to finding a fair and equitable resolution that benefits both parties. It is also not lost on GSU members that any disruption in grain handling and shipping will have an affect on local producers.

“We work directly with Viterra’s customers and producers. We know what a strike or lock out might mean for them and we don’t want things to reach that point,” said Viterra employee and GSU bargaining committee member Dale Lysitza. “GSU members have been talking to the customers and producers they serve since bargaining began last year. They know what our issues are, what we are fighting for and what’s at stake for us. We value those relationships and are counting on their support and understanding if it comes to a point where we have to take a stand for what’s right and fair for our coworkers.”

As Local 1 and 2 prepares for a potential strike, the ball is now in Viterra’s court to address the concerns of its workforce and demonstrate a genuine commitment to its employees and customers.

“All Canadians have been struggling these past few years with rising prices on food and housing. Our members are not asking for high wage increases that are out of touch. We want what everyone wants: contract language that ensures employees know what they will be paid and not have to trust that a multinational agriculture company will take care of them,” said Torgerson. “All working people deserve their fair share in return for their labour, and that is always worth fighting for.”


For more information, contact:
Steve Torgerson, General Secretary
Grain and General Services Union (ILWU · Canada)
Phone  306.522.6686, ext. 226

BARGAINING: GSU Locals 1, 2 (Viterra): No resolution reached at Aug. 31 bargaining session

GSU bargaining committee members are Local 1 – Jim Brown (Balgonie), Wilfred Harris (Carnduff), Shannon Antonenko (Lloydminster), David Barrett (Gull Lake), Travis Brewer (Saskatoon), Broc Goodwin (Moose Jaw) and Dale Lysitza (Lloydminster); Local 2 – Sheila Tran, Howard Wilson and Kaylee Kruger with assistance from GSU staff representatives Steve Torgerson and Mason Van Luven.

No resolution reached at Aug. 31 bargaining session

Tuesday Members’ Memo – Sept. 5, 2023

On Aug. 31, GSU Local 1 and 2 bargaining committees returned to the bargaining table with Viterra. This is the first session following the rejection of the tentative agreement by the Local 1 Board of Delegates on July 27 and Local 2 Executive Committee on August 3.

“Members are tired of hearing the same old excuses from the company about their costs, their preferred pay system, that they have no issues with recruitment and retention, etcetera,” said GSU bargaining spokesperson Steve Torgerson. “The economic reality that working people are living with demands that companies take note and actually pay their employees what they deserve.”

As a democratic organization led by working people, GSU’s elected Local 1 and 2 Local Executive officers met to receive a bargaining update and to discuss the lack of progress in bargaining and what next steps need to be taken. We hope the company will come back to the bargaining table with an offer that addresses our many concerns.

“This round of negotiations is a reminder that belonging to a union does not mean everything effortlessly and automatically falls into place. What unionized workers secure in their collective agreements is only achieved because those members have negotiated and fought for it,” Torgerson said. “As all GSU members have the opportunity to do when their collective agreement is open for negotiation, Local 1 and 2 members are currently working hard to bargain wage increases, leaves, vacations and grievance procedures. This is the union advantage.”

You can read the Sept. 2 bargaining update to members and all previous bargaining updates here



Aug. 31 confirmed for Local 1 & 2 bargaining with the company

Aug. 18, 2023 email update to members

Your elected Local 1 Board of Delegates and Local 2 executive committee rejected the tentative agreement with a clear message: what was offered was not enough.

Aug. 31 has been confirmed for a bargaining session with your GSU bargaining committees and Viterra representatives. We’ll be looking for more dates in September if our upcoming session with the Company is not fruitful.

Here’s how you can support your bargaining committee:

Your hard work contributes to your employer’s record-breaking profits, and you deserve better than what they have offered.

  • We need you to keep the lines of communication open with your fellow members and customers.
  • We need you to continue reminding management of the value of your contributions, and that you’ve earned a standard of living where you can support yourself, family, and community.

You can read the complete Aug. 18 bargaining update and previous bargaining updates here


Local 1 and 2 executives vote to send committees back to the bargaining table

August 4, 2023

Your elected officers for Local 1 and 2 met separately and each Local voted to reject the tentative settlement and direct the bargaining committee to return to negotiations.

Following the July 27 Local 1 board of delegates meeting, an update was sent to Local 1 members on July 28. The Local 2 executive committee met Aug. 4 and issued an update to their members the same day.

You can read the above-mentioned bargaining updates and previous bargaining updates here.   

A tentative agreement has been reached 

July 14, 2023

A tentative agreement was reached on July 13. Once wording of the tentative agreement has been agreed upon, GSU’s Local 1 Board of Delegates and Local 2 executive will convene separately to confirm the tentative offer is strong enough to take to their membership for a ratification vote.

If the Board of Delegates and Local Executive determine the agreement is sufficient to proceed to a vote, the tentative agreement will be presented to Local 1 and 2 members who will have the opportunity to either accept or reject the tentative agreement through a confidential ratification vote process.

If the majority of ballots cast accept the tentative agreement, negotiations cease and the agreement forms the basis of a new collective agreement. If the tentative agreement is rejected by the majority of members voting, then GSU bargaining committees will return to the bargaining table to fight for a better deal.

“Member participation in this process and support for their bargaining committee has shown the company that the membership means business,” said GSU general secretary and bargaining spokesperson Steve Torgerson.

Watch your email and the GSU web page for details about voting and information on the tentative agreement.


Bargaining update #23 was issued July 13.

You can read update #23 and all other updates here.

Bargaining update #22 was issued June 27.

Bargaining update #21 was issued June 16.


Bargaining resumes June 14 in Regina

June 14, 2023

Our Local 1 (Viterra Ops & Maintenance) & Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) committee will meet company representatives on June 14 in Regina. We anticipate Viterra will respond to the proposals our committee submitted last week.

An email update will be issued following the June 14 bargaining session. Watch your email for updates and check previous updates here


STIP update #20 was issued June 8.

Bargaining update #19 was issued June 1.

Bargaining update #18 was issued May 26.

Bargaining update #17 was issued May 18.

You can read each of them here.

Bargaining Feedback Survey link included here (and in your May 17 Bargaining Update #16) 

Bargaining update 16 was sent to Local 1 and 2 email subscribers on May 17. You can read it here. 

The Local 1 Board of Delegates has approved distribution of a survey to Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) members to encourage additional feedback on negotiations and the path members would like to see as bargaining continues. Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) members are also encouraged to participate and complete the survey.

If you didn’t attend the May 8 and 9 ZOOM meetings and you aren’t able to attend your Sub-Local meeting, your opinion can be shared by completing this quick survey. If you have already attended your meeting but have additional feedback for us, we encourage you to complete the survey, too.

Bargaining Feedback Survey is available here

Please complete your survey by Friday, May 26.

If you would prefer to contact us by email or phone, please contact Steve@gsu.ca or Mason@gsu.ca.  

Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) bargaining update meetings are underway

Tuesday Members’ Memo: May 9, 2023

The Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) meetings began with two town hall Zoom meetings on May 8 and an additional town hall Zoom meeting scheduled for 6:00 p.m. May 9. In-person meetings have also been scheduled and notices were sent to members by email.

The Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) meeting will be held on May 25.

Please share your meeting notice with members at your location, and contact Steve@gsu.ca, Mason@gsu.ca, or your bargaining committee members if you have any questions or would like to be added to our bargaining update email list.

Bargaining update #15  was sent to members on May 8

May 8, 2023

Meeting links to the May 8 and 9 town hall meetings are included in this update. You can view it here.

Bargaining update #14 was sent to members on May 2

May 2, 2023

The update contains important links to the May 8 and 9 townhall meetings. You can read it here.

The April 28 bargaining update is now available on the bargaining update page. 

May 1, 2023

You can find it here.

Watch your email for a bargaining update on April 28 

The bargaining update will be sent by email to members on April 28. On May 1 it will be posted on our web page under the BARGAINING/VITERRA BARGAINING menu tab, above.

Contact Steve@gsu.ca or Mason@gsu.ca if you would like to join the email list and receive bargaining updates.

A March 7, 8 & 9 bargaining update was just sent to members 

Local 1 and 2 Bargaining Update email – sent to members March 13, 2023 

This past Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, your Local 1 (Viterra Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining committee met company representatives to resume bargaining.

Your committee was prepared and waiting for the company to reply to our last set of counter proposals on February 1, 2023. As with all collective bargaining (or almost any negotiations like buying a new vehicle or house), proposals go back and forth and hopefully you end with a deal that works best for you. Your bargaining committee has been fierce in their standing up for what members have told us last Summer and Fall and for speaking up to
support these bargaining positions when challenged by the company.

During this bargaining session, your committee made proposals and offers that we think are reasonable and productive all the while still
holding true to the focus that members needed changes on. Your bargaining committee wants all members to know how they are approaching bargaining and what they have committed to do to get the best negotiation collective agreement they can. They want to share this with everyone so you can see what they will do to support the member’s needs and ask that members continue to stay in touch, ask questions of the committee and the company and keep pushing and demanding that workers not get left behind.

Watch for an email next week from your bargaining committee.

There is still work to do, and you can help

Tuesday Members’ Memo – Feb. 7, 2023

Bargaining continued Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 with company representatives bringing their full bargaining package (including monetary proposals) to the table.

Upon a thorough review of the company’s package, it was clear it’s not where members want it to be, there is still work to do, and you can help.

The Local 1 & 2 bargaining committee is urging members to start talking.

  • Talk to each other about the importance of pay that covers the rising cost of living and pay that recognizes your service and effort.
  • Talk to your managers about consistent scheduling, fair notice of shift change and hours of work that won’t wear you out.
  • Talk to your customers about work/family balance because everyone needs time to be with their friends and family.
  • These conversations support and reinforce everything your bargaining committee has said during bargaining, and the improvements they are fighting for.

Read your GSU bargaining committee’s Feb. 2 – Bargaining Update #9 update here.

Bargaining is scheduled to resume Mar. 7 and 8.

Company presentations, discussion the focus Dec. 14 and 15 session

Bargaining continued Dec. 14 and 15 with both days scheduled for presentations from the company. The main topics of discussion were grain and rail transportation, employee benefits review, sick leave and short term disability and Pay Equity. The discussion was necessary to understand the position of each side and where negotiations are headed in the New Year.

It is anticipated that the next set of bargaining dates will be scheduled soon.

A bargaining update was sent to members on Dec. 16. You can read it here.

Two sides to reconvene Dec. 14 and 15 in Regina

Nov. 25, 2022

Your bargaining committees got together for breakfast before meeting with the company last week in Regina. (Clockwise around the group starting in the lower-left) Mason Van Luven, Howard Wilson, Wilfred Harris, Steve Torgerson, Sheila Tran, Jim Brown, David Barrett, Shannon Antonenko, Kaylee Kruger, Travis Brewer.

After spending Nov. 24 in talks with company representatives, it was determined that meeting the next day wouldn’t be useful. Both sides have agreed to reconvene on Dec. 14 and 15.

A detailed bargaining update was issued to GSU Local 1 and 2 members on Nov. 28. You can also read it here on our web page under the VITERRA BARGAINING page (above under the Bargaining menu tab) for additional information. Contact Mason@gsu.ca to be added to our email update list.

Bargaining resumes Nov. 24, 25 

Nov. 24. 2022

Your GSU Local 1 (Operations and Maintenance) and 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining committees are meeting their union counterparts on Nov. 24 and 25 for a second round of bargaining.

A bargaining update from the Nov. 16 and 17 session was emailed to members earlier this week and another update will be sent to Local 1 and 2 members next week following this round of negotiations. We’ve had reports that some of our emails don’t reach work email addresses. Please send Mason@gsu.ca an alternate email address to ensure you receive our bargaining updates.

The two sides are scheduled to meet again Dec. 14 and 15.

As bargaining proceeds, watch for email updates and check our VITERRA BARGAINING page (under the BARGAINING menu tab, above) for additional information.

Local 1 & 2 bargaining is officially underway

Nov. 16, 2022

Our Local 1 and 2 bargaining committees meet with their union counterparts today and tomorrow in Regina.

Two additional sets of dates have been set for bargaining:

  • November 24 & 25, 2022
  • December 14 & 15, 2022.

GSU bargaining committee spokesperson Steve Torgerson anticipates emailing a bargaining update to members shortly.

Nov. 14, 2022

COVID has certainly changed the face of meetings.

This screenshot from staff rep Mason Van Luven’s computer serves as the group photo of our Local 1 and Local 2 (Viterra) bargaining committee members during their Nov. 8 meeting. The meeting was convened to conduct a final review of the bargaining package and prepare for the upcoming Nov. 16 and 17 bargaining session with management representatives.

Three sets of dates have been set for bargaining:

November 16 & 17
November 24 & 25
December 14 & 15.

A bargaining update was emailed to Local 1 (Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) members on Nov. 4. If you didn’t receive your update you can contact Steve@gsu.ca or Mason@gsu.ca to confirm your address and review the email update on GSU’s gsu.ca web page under the BARGAINING menu tab. As bargaining proceeds, Local 1 and 2 members will continue to receive email updates with additional information being posted on the web page.

Nov. 4, 2022 Update 

Three sets of dates have been set for bargaining: 

  • Nov. 16 & 17, 2022
  • Nov. 24 & 25, 2022
  • Dec. 14 & 15, 2022.

In final preparation for negotiations, your bargaining committees will be meeting on Nov. 8, 2022. Once each set of dates has passed we will send an update to all members.

To date, four bargaining updates have been sent to members. If you are not receiving your updates, please contact Steve or Mason to be placed on the list.


Tuesday Members’ Memo – Aug. 3, 2022

The Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining surveys are now closed and the information is being compiled for review by the Locals’ board of delegates who are expected to meet in September. In the meantime, staff reps are scheduling member visitations, meetings and Zoom calls to ensure that members have had multiple opportunities to share their thoughts on what should be included in their upcoming bargaining proposal package.

A detailed update was sent to members on July 29. You can read or print it from the VITERRA BARGAINING tab here on our web page.

Congratulations to Local 1 member Marshall Morrison (North Battleford) and Local 2 member Greg Eutenier who were our winners of the FitBit Versa draws. Members who completed their Local’s bargaining survey had the opportunity to enter their respective Local’s draw.

Tuesday Members’ Memo – July 19, 2022

Your Viterra bargaining committees are currently conducting a bargaining survey.

The survey was emailed to Local 1 members on July 7 and Local 2 members on July 8.

Please help us ensure that every member has an opportunity to identify their bargaining priorities by sharing the following link(s) with your coworkers:

Complete and submit your survey by July 22 and your name will be entered in our draw for one of two FitBit Versas.

And if you haven’t already done so, please complete the bargaining contact form so you can follow the bargaining process and receive regular updates.

We’ve also created a VITERRA BARGAINING page on GSU’s main web page where we’ll be posting the information you need, so make sure you check the page regularly.

Delegates meet to prepare for renewal of collective agreements that expire Oct. 31

Tuesday Members’ Memo – June 28, 2022

Delegates from GSU Locals 1 (Viterra Operations and Maintenance) and 2 (Viterra Head Office) met in Regina on June 23 and 24 for union education and agreement renewal bargaining preparation.

The first session of the delegates meeting was a joint union education effort with delegates from Local 14 which centered on conflict resolution and effective communication. The next morning Local 1 and 2 delegates focused on the collective bargaining process and preparing for agreement renewal bargaining with Viterra for renewal of the collective agreements that expire on Oct. 31.

The June 24 sessions provided an initial sounding for the bargaining priorities of GSU members employed in Viterra country operations, maintenance and Regina head office. Delegates were very candid about the experiences and bargaining expectations of union members at their locations. Several broad themes emerged and chief among them are wage increases that reflect employees’ contributions to Viterra as well as addressing the rising cost of living. Pay equity for Facility Sales and Admin employees and actual performance pay for Regina head office employees were central to the discussion. Hours of work and car loading issues are also top priorities for country operations and maintenance employees.

Delegates elected David Barrett (Gull Lake) to be the new president of Local 1 while Colton Buck (Balgonie) was elected vice president. They will be joined by Travis Brewer (Saskatoon) and Chris Yeo (Belle Plaine) as Local 1’s representatives on GSU’s Joint Executive Council (JEC).

In being elected president of Local 1 David Barrett replaces Jim Brown who continues to be president of GSU overall and continues to serve on the bargaining committee. Colton Buck is the new VP of Local 1 while Travis Brewer returns as an incumbent and Chris Yeo joins as a new representative on the JEC.

“We’re continuing GSU’s transition to a new generation of leaders,” said GSU president Jim Brown. “Welcome to David, Colton, Travis and Chris.”

The delegates meeting also elected a bargaining committee comprising Jim Brown (Balgonie), Wilfred Harris (Carnduff), Shannon Antonenko (Lloydminster), David Barrett (Gull Lake) and Travis Brewer (Saskatoon). Local 2 delegates Sheila Tran, Howard Wilson and Kaylee Kruger were active participants in the dialogue. They serve as their Local’s bargaining committee and representatives on GSU’s Joint Executive Council.

The meeting adopted a bargaining survey that will go out to Local 1 and 2 members this summer and set the stage for assembling shortly after Labour Day to put the finishing touches or bargaining proposals to take to the table with Viterra later this summer and early autumn.

Local 1 and 2 (Viterra) members can expect to receive a bargaining survey, soon

June 23, 2022

The current Local 1 (Operations/Maintenance) and Local 2 (Head Office) collective agreements with Viterra are set to expire Oct. 31. That means GSU members in these locals can anticipate our requests for input to help prepare for the upcoming negotiating process that determines their pay, rights and working conditions.

The first item Local 1 and 2 members can expect to receive is a bargaining survey. Elected officers at our June 23/24 delegates meeting are finalizing the survey and we anticipate sending it to members soon.

“If you are a GSU member working for Viterra, this is the perfect time to contact us with your preferred email address,” said GSU staff rep Mason Van Luven. “That way we can be certain everyone has an opportunity to participate in the survey and share their thoughts.”

Bargaining Feedback Survey link included here (and in your May 17 Bargaining Update #16) 

Bargaining update 16 was sent to Local 1 and 2 email subscribers on May 17. You can read it here. 

The Local 1 Board of Delegates has approved distribution of a survey to Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) members to encourage additional feedback on negotiations and the path members would like to see as bargaining continues. Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) members are also encouraged to participate and complete the survey.

If you didn’t attend the May 8 and 9 ZOOM meetings and you aren’t able to attend your Sub-Local meeting, your opinion can be shared by completing this quick survey. If you have already attended your meeting but have additional feedback for us, we encourage you to complete the survey, too.

Bargaining Feedback Survey is available here

Please complete your survey by Friday, May 26.

If you would prefer to contact us by email or phone, please contact Steve@gsu.ca or Mason@gsu.ca.  

Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) bargaining update meetings are underway

Tuesday Members’ Memo: May 9, 2023

The Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) meetings began with two town hall Zoom meetings on May 8 and an additional town hall Zoom meeting scheduled for 6:00 p.m. May 9. In-person meetings have also been scheduled and notices were sent to members by email.

The Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) meeting will be held on May 25.

Please share your meeting notice with members at your location, and contact Steve@gsu.ca, Mason@gsu.ca, or your bargaining committee members if you have any questions or would like to be added to our bargaining update email list.

Bargaining update #15  was sent to members on May 8

May 8, 2023

Meeting links to the May 8 and 9 town hall meetings are included in this update. You can view it here.

Bargaining update #14 was sent to members on May 2

May 2, 2023

The update contains important links to the May 8 and 9 townhall meetings. You can read it here.

The April 28 bargaining update is now available on the bargaining update page. 

May 1, 2023

You can find it here.

Watch your email for a bargaining update on April 28 

The bargaining update will be sent by email to members on April 28. On May 1 it will be posted on our web page under the BARGAINING/VITERRA BARGAINING menu tab, above.

Contact Steve@gsu.ca or Mason@gsu.ca if you would like to join the email list and receive bargaining updates.

A March 7, 8 & 9 bargaining update was just sent to members 

Local 1 and 2 Bargaining Update email – sent to members March 13, 2023 

This past Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, your Local 1 (Viterra Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining committee met company representatives to resume bargaining.

Your committee was prepared and waiting for the company to reply to our last set of counter proposals on February 1, 2023. As with all collective bargaining (or almost any negotiations like buying a new vehicle or house), proposals go back and forth and hopefully you end with a deal that works best for you. Your bargaining committee has been fierce in their standing up for what members have told us last Summer and Fall and for speaking up to
support these bargaining positions when challenged by the company.

During this bargaining session, your committee made proposals and offers that we think are reasonable and productive all the while still
holding true to the focus that members needed changes on. Your bargaining committee wants all members to know how they are approaching bargaining and what they have committed to do to get the best negotiation collective agreement they can. They want to share this with everyone so you can see what they will do to support the member’s needs and ask that members continue to stay in touch, ask questions of the committee and the company and keep pushing and demanding that workers not get left behind.

Watch for an email next week from your bargaining committee.

There is still work to do, and you can help

Tuesday Members’ Memo – Feb. 7, 2023

Bargaining continued Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 with company representatives bringing their full bargaining package (including monetary proposals) to the table.

Upon a thorough review of the company’s package, it was clear it’s not where members want it to be, there is still work to do, and you can help.

The Local 1 & 2 bargaining committee is urging members to start talking.

  • Talk to each other about the importance of pay that covers the rising cost of living and pay that recognizes your service and effort.
  • Talk to your managers about consistent scheduling, fair notice of shift change and hours of work that won’t wear you out.
  • Talk to your customers about work/family balance because everyone needs time to be with their friends and family.
  • These conversations support and reinforce everything your bargaining committee has said during bargaining, and the improvements they are fighting for.

Read your GSU bargaining committee’s Feb. 2 – Bargaining Update #9 update here.

Bargaining is scheduled to resume Mar. 7 and 8.

Company presentations, discussion the focus Dec. 14 and 15 session

Bargaining continued Dec. 14 and 15 with both days scheduled for presentations from the company. The main topics of discussion were grain and rail transportation, employee benefits review, sick leave and short term disability and Pay Equity. The discussion was necessary to understand the position of each side and where negotiations are headed in the New Year.

It is anticipated that the next set of bargaining dates will be scheduled soon.

A bargaining update was sent to members on Dec. 16. You can read it here.

Two sides to reconvene Dec. 14 and 15 in Regina

Nov. 25, 2022

Your bargaining committees got together for breakfast before meeting with the company last week in Regina. (Clockwise around the group starting in the lower-left) Mason Van Luven, Howard Wilson, Wilfred Harris, Steve Torgerson, Sheila Tran, Jim Brown, David Barrett, Shannon Antonenko, Kaylee Kruger, Travis Brewer.

After spending Nov. 24 in talks with company representatives, it was determined that meeting the next day wouldn’t be useful. Both sides have agreed to reconvene on Dec. 14 and 15.

A detailed bargaining update was issued to GSU Local 1 and 2 members on Nov. 28. You can also read it here on our web page under the VITERRA BARGAINING page (above under the Bargaining menu tab) for additional information. Contact Mason@gsu.ca to be added to our email update list.

Bargaining resumes Nov. 24, 25 

Nov. 24. 2022

Your GSU Local 1 (Operations and Maintenance) and 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining committees are meeting their union counterparts on Nov. 24 and 25 for a second round of bargaining.

A bargaining update from the Nov. 16 and 17 session was emailed to members earlier this week and another update will be sent to Local 1 and 2 members next week following this round of negotiations. We’ve had reports that some of our emails don’t reach work email addresses. Please send Mason@gsu.ca an alternate email address to ensure you receive our bargaining updates.

The two sides are scheduled to meet again Dec. 14 and 15.

As bargaining proceeds, watch for email updates and check our VITERRA BARGAINING page (under the BARGAINING menu tab, above) for additional information.

Local 1 & 2 bargaining is officially underway

Nov. 16, 2022

Our Local 1 and 2 bargaining committees meet with their union counterparts today and tomorrow in Regina.

Two additional sets of dates have been set for bargaining:

  • November 24 & 25, 2022
  • December 14 & 15, 2022.

GSU bargaining committee spokesperson Steve Torgerson anticipates emailing a bargaining update to members shortly.

Nov. 14, 2022

COVID has certainly changed the face of meetings.

This screenshot from staff rep Mason Van Luven’s computer serves as the group photo of our Local 1 and Local 2 (Viterra) bargaining committee members during their Nov. 8 meeting. The meeting was convened to conduct a final review of the bargaining package and prepare for the upcoming Nov. 16 and 17 bargaining session with management representatives.

Three sets of dates have been set for bargaining:

November 16 & 17
November 24 & 25
December 14 & 15.

A bargaining update was emailed to Local 1 (Operations and Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) members on Nov. 4. If you didn’t receive your update you can contact Steve@gsu.ca or Mason@gsu.ca to confirm your address and review the email update on GSU’s gsu.ca web page under the BARGAINING menu tab. As bargaining proceeds, Local 1 and 2 members will continue to receive email updates with additional information being posted on the web page.

Nov. 4, 2022 Update 

Three sets of dates have been set for bargaining: 

  • Nov. 16 & 17, 2022
  • Nov. 24 & 25, 2022
  • Dec. 14 & 15, 2022.

In final preparation for negotiations, your bargaining committees will be meeting on Nov. 8, 2022. Once each set of dates has passed we will send an update to all members.

To date, four bargaining updates have been sent to members. If you are not receiving your updates, please contact Steve or Mason to be placed on the list.


Tuesday Members’ Memo – Aug. 3, 2022

The Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining surveys are now closed and the information is being compiled for review by the Locals’ board of delegates who are expected to meet in September. In the meantime, staff reps are scheduling member visitations, meetings and Zoom calls to ensure that members have had multiple opportunities to share their thoughts on what should be included in their upcoming bargaining proposal package.

A detailed update was sent to members on July 29. You can read or print it from the VITERRA BARGAINING tab here on our web page.

Congratulations to Local 1 member Marshall Morrison (North Battleford) and Local 2 member Greg Eutenier who were our winners of the FitBit Versa draws. Members who completed their Local’s bargaining survey had the opportunity to enter their respective Local’s draw.

Tuesday Members’ Memo – July 19, 2022

Your Viterra bargaining committees are currently conducting a bargaining survey.

The survey was emailed to Local 1 members on July 7 and Local 2 members on July 8.

Please help us ensure that every member has an opportunity to identify their bargaining priorities by sharing the following link(s) with your coworkers:

Complete and submit your survey by July 22 and your name will be entered in our draw for one of two FitBit Versas.

And if you haven’t already done so, please complete the bargaining contact form so you can follow the bargaining process and receive regular updates.

We’ve also created a VITERRA BARGAINING page on GSU’s main web page where we’ll be posting the information you need, so make sure you check the page regularly.

Delegates meet to prepare for renewal of collective agreements that expire Oct. 31

Tuesday Members’ Memo – June 28, 2022

Delegates from GSU Locals 1 (Viterra Operations and Maintenance) and 2 (Viterra Head Office) met in Regina on June 23 and 24 for union education and agreement renewal bargaining preparation.

The first session of the delegates meeting was a joint union education effort with delegates from Local 14 which centered on conflict resolution and effective communication. The next morning Local 1 and 2 delegates focused on the collective bargaining process and preparing for agreement renewal bargaining with Viterra for renewal of the collective agreements that expire on Oct. 31.

The June 24 sessions provided an initial sounding for the bargaining priorities of GSU members employed in Viterra country operations, maintenance and Regina head office. Delegates were very candid about the experiences and bargaining expectations of union members at their locations. Several broad themes emerged and chief among them are wage increases that reflect employees’ contributions to Viterra as well as addressing the rising cost of living. Pay equity for Facility Sales and Admin employees and actual performance pay for Regina head office employees were central to the discussion. Hours of work and car loading issues are also top priorities for country operations and maintenance employees.

Delegates elected David Barrett (Gull Lake) to be the new president of Local 1 while Colton Buck (Balgonie) was elected vice president. They will be joined by Travis Brewer (Saskatoon) and Chris Yeo (Belle Plaine) as Local 1’s representatives on GSU’s Joint Executive Council (JEC).

In being elected president of Local 1 David Barrett replaces Jim Brown who continues to be president of GSU overall and continues to serve on the bargaining committee. Colton Buck is the new VP of Local 1 while Travis Brewer returns as an incumbent and Chris Yeo joins as a new representative on the JEC.

“We’re continuing GSU’s transition to a new generation of leaders,” said GSU president Jim Brown. “Welcome to David, Colton, Travis and Chris.”

The delegates meeting also elected a bargaining committee comprising Jim Brown (Balgonie), Wilfred Harris (Carnduff), Shannon Antonenko (Lloydminster), David Barrett (Gull Lake) and Travis Brewer (Saskatoon). Local 2 delegates Sheila Tran, Howard Wilson and Kaylee Kruger were active participants in the dialogue. They serve as their Local’s bargaining committee and representatives on GSU’s Joint Executive Council.

The meeting adopted a bargaining survey that will go out to Local 1 and 2 members this summer and set the stage for assembling shortly after Labour Day to put the finishing touches or bargaining proposals to take to the table with Viterra later this summer and early autumn.

Local 1 and 2 (Viterra) members can expect to receive a bargaining survey, soon

June 23, 2022

The current Local 1 (Operations/Maintenance) and Local 2 (Head Office) collective agreements with Viterra are set to expire Oct. 31. That means GSU members in these locals can anticipate our requests for input to help prepare for the upcoming negotiating process that determines their pay, rights and working conditions.

The first item Local 1 and 2 members can expect to receive is a bargaining survey. Elected officers at our June 23/24 delegates meeting are finalizing the survey and we anticipate sending it to members soon.

“If you are a GSU member working for Viterra, this is the perfect time to contact us with your preferred email address,” said GSU staff rep Mason Van Luven. “That way we can be certain everyone has an opportunity to participate in the survey and share their thoughts.”

Local 1 and 2 (Viterra) members fought for – and won – their 2022 Short Term Incentive Plan (STIP) bonus

On March 15, 2023, Viterra announced that the annual bonus paid to their employees would be paid to everyone except Local 1 and 2 members. Their excuse? The union wouldn’t agree to the company’s pay system.

Let’s not kid ourselves. This move was intended to influence members to back down at the bargaining table.

The members of Locals 1 and 2 were not going to be pushed off their goal of making some significant improvements to their collective agreement. In fact, the STIP issue became a rallying point to have members speak up, show their solidarity and demand the STIP be paid.

Over 70 percent of Local 1 and 2 members signed a petition demanding the STIP be paid and stating they wouldn’t let the company use the STIP against them. The members shared personal stories of how the company’s actions were harming them and the jobs they do. They spoke out and told their managers they deserved their STIP, and they refused to go above and beyond if the company didn’t value their work. The Locals also filed an unfair labour practice challenging the company’s decision as it took place during negotiations.

Nearly three months after their March announcement, last week Viterra announced that they would release the STIP and pay it to all eligible members.

This victory for Local 1 and 2 members is no small feat and is the result of actions taken by members to demand what was owed to them.

“While the dollar value of the STIP is well into the seven figures, the true significance lies in the additional value to members as they stood shoulder to shoulder to fight for what was theirs and what is right,” said GSU general secretary and Local 1 and 2 bargaining committee spokesperson Steve Torgerson.

“When someone asks you why you need a union, or what the benefits of belonging to a union are, use this story as an example,” Torgerson continued. “Members did everything they could, from a legal challenge to not going above and beyond, but what ultimately made the difference was that the vast majority of members acted together and supported each other.”

BARGAINING: Local 1 & 2 (Viterra): May 25, 5:00 PM deadline for CARs and Operations Maintenance staff volunteers willing to serve on the bargaining committee

The Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) Board of Delegates met on May 16 to discuss adding additional members to the bargaining committee to bring the specific perspectives of Customer Account Representatives (CARs) and Maintenance employees to the bargaining table. Board members voted unanimously to consider the volunteers who had put their names forward.

Upon learning only one member had put their name forward, board members expressed concern that not enough time was provided for the process and, more importantly, members were not aware they could put their names forward for consideration.

After thorough discussion, the board voted and approved an extension of the time frame available for members to volunteer for a position on the bargaining committee as follows:

  • Any GSU Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) members who are either Customer Account Representatives or Operations Maintenance staff and would like to serve on the bargaining committee should email GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson (steve@gsu.ca) and volunteer to have their name stand for election by the Board of Delegates.
  • This volunteering process will be be open until Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.
  • All volunteering members will be given an opportunity to provide a statement of why they want to join the bargaining committee.
  • A Board of Delegates meeting will be convened on May 25 to elect additional members to the committee.

Your elected delegates will be working to raise awareness of this opportunity and to encourage members to volunteer for the position(s). They ask that all CARs and Maintenance staff consider volunteering to join the bargaining committee. Your voice and your unique perspective is wanted. Please step forward to assist and strengthen your bargaining committee.

Contact general secretary Steve Torgerson if you have any questions.

WE’RE WORKING ON IT: STIP update – Here’s what has taken place since the STIP was withheld by Viterra in March

Here’s what has taken place since the STIP was withheld by Viterra in March

Tuesday Members’ Memo – May 9, 2023

  • In March 2023, Viterra announced the Short Term Incentive Plan (STIP) for 2022 would be paid to eligible members of Local 1 and 2. A few days later, they changed their mind and said that they wouldn’t pay the STIP until bargaining had been resolved.
  • GSU filed an Unfair Labour Practice (ULP) with the Canada Industrial Relations Board on April 3. Viterra had 15 days to reply, which they did on April 26, giving GSU a further 10 days to reply, which we did on May 5.
  • We await the reply from the Canada Industrial Labour Relations board regarding the next step in the process.

We will keep members up-to-date as we move through the ULP process. If you have questions about this process, let us know.

We’re working hard to keep the pressure on Viterra to pay the 2022 STIP.

If you have thoughts about how we can keep the pressure on, share them with your elected representative or your GSU staff representative.

Unfair Labour Practice filed, Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) petitions delivered to HR

Tuesday Members’ Memo – April 12, 2023

This March, Viterra announced the Short Term Incentive Plan (STIP) for 2022 would be paid to eligible Local 1 and 2 members. A few days later, they changed their mind and said that they wouldn’t pay the STIP until bargaining has been resolved.

Since the 2022 STIP has no bearing on current bargaining taking place to negotiate new collective agreements in the Locals, GSU and Local 1 and 2 members and their GSU staff representatives began looking into all options to have the STIP paid out, including legal and direct action.

Members spoke up and signed a petition asking Viterra to honour their commitment to pay the STIP and not to try to use this as a tool to influence bargaining. Copies of the signed petitions were provided to Viterra Human Resources and GSU clearly stated its position that withholding of the STIP is an unfair labour practice and interference in the bargaining process.

When March 31, 2023, passed and Viterra did not release members’ STIP, GSU filed an unfair labour practice with the Canada Labour Relations Board. In its application, GSU pointed to the statutory freeze in place as a result of bargaining that we believe the company violated.

“Getting the STIP released will not be done by petitions or legal action alone, but by the combination of those and the actions and constant voice of members speaking up and saying “No, I won’t work longer than 12 hours until you release our STIP,” “Pay us our STIP,” and “Live up to the values that Viterra is supposed believe in,” said GSU general secretary and Local 1 and 2 bargaining committee spokesperson Steve Torgerson.

If you and your co-workers want to do something to show the company you think they need to release the STIP, talk to your staff representative.


Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) looking into options to have STIP paid out

Tuesday Members’ Memo – March 21, 2023

In the last 10 days, Viterra has announced the Short Term Incentive Plan (STIP) for 2022 would be paid to eligible members of Local 1 and 2 members and, a few days later, changed their mind and said that they wouldn’t pay the STIP until bargaining has been resolved.

Members of Local 1 and 2 are not happy with this decision, and GSU agrees with them.

The 2022 STIP has no bearing on the current bargaining taking place to negotiate new collective agreements. GSU and Local 1 and 2 members are looking into all options to have the STIP paid out, including legal and direct action.

Members are also speaking up and signing a petition asking Viterra to honour their commitment to pay the STIP and not to try to use this as a tool to influence bargaining.

With GSU you have access to specialized services that could be difficult to obtain on your own. A GSU staff rep has access to information and can help gather all the facts and identify whether your rights have been violated.

These services are provided to you and paid for by your union dues. There is never an additional charge for assisting you.

It was a heavy bargaining week at GSU with Locals 1 & 2 (Viterra) and Local 17 (Discovery Co-op) both meeting their management counterparts

The GSU Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) and Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining committees were in Regina Dec. 14 and 15 for their scheduled third session of in-person negotiations with company representatives.

GSU’s Local 17 (Discovery Co-op) committee participated in their second set of video-conference negotiations with their management counterparts on Dec. 13 and 14.

Members in these locals can expect an emailed bargaining update by early next week. If you aren’t on our email update lists and would like to be added, contact Mason@gsu.ca to join the Local 1/2 (Viterra) list and email Brian@gsu.ca to be added to the Local 17 (Discovery Co-op) email database.

Local 1 and 2 (Viterra) members can expect to receive a bargaining survey, soon

The current Local 1 (Operations/Maintenance) and Local 2 (Head Office) collective agreements with Viterra are set to expire Oct. 31. That means GSU members in these locals can anticipate our requests for input to help prepare for the upcoming negotiating process that determines their pay, rights and working conditions.

The first item Local 1 and 2 members can expect to receive is a bargaining survey. Elected officers at our June 23/24 delegates meeting are finalizing the survey and we anticipate sending it to members soon.

“If you are a GSU member working for Viterra, this is the perfect time to contact us with your preferred email address,” said GSU staff rep Mason Van Luven. “That way we can be certain everyone has an opportunity to participate in the survey and share their thoughts.”

Modest increases to Viterra salary ranges

As a result of a market review and a letter of understanding between the company and GSU, the minimums and maximums of most Viterra in-scope salary ranges will rise effective Jan. 1, 2022.

According to GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner, generally speaking, the increases to the pay ranges will be a very modest 1.5 percent and will not have a dramatic impact on the wages of most union members.

“The changes to salary range minimums and maximums should not be confused with the 2.5 percent aggregate salary increase that will also be applied retroactively to January 1 and is linked to employees’ annual performance evaluations,” Wagner said. “These increases are potentially more meaningful, but are also too low when compared to the rising cost of living.”

On Feb. 23, Wagner wrote to Viterra on the subject of wages and said,

“GSU does not object to raising the minimums and maximums of the salary ranges as proposed. However, we do argue that the salary ranges and employee’s individual rates of pay should be adjusted upwards significantly in light of the changing labour market and price inflation.”

He went on to say,

“We also continue to express the dissatisfaction of the union’s members in relation to the design and administration of the pay system, including unfairness in the application of annual salary increases.”

GSU members in Locals 1 (Viterra – Ops/Maintenance) and 2 (Viterra Head Office) will have an opportunity to tackle the subject of wage increases later this year when bargaining commences to amend and renew their collective agreements with Viterra. The current collective agreements expire on Oct. 31, 2022.

“Bargaining this coming fall will provide union members with an excellent opportunity to change the whole system of pay and wage increases into something that is much fairer, transparent and equitable,” Wagner said.

Car loading continues to cause problems for terminal elevator employees

Being constantly expected by your employer to adapt and adjust schedules at the last moment is all too common for GSU members working for Viterra and Richardson. Fortunately, there are tools that can help push back against unreasonable expectations, create a better work/family balance, and ensure that GSU members and their coworkers are safe at work.

If you are a member of Local 1 (Viterra Operations) or Local 14 (Richardson), check out these lists of car loading options, plans, and tools:

If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact your GSU staff representative.

Employer replies to GSU on 2022 wage increases


Tuesday Members’ Memo – Nov. 23, 2021

A senior manager with Nutrien Ltd. has replied to GSU’s proposal of employee wage increases in 2022 that reflect the rising cost of living in Canada.

On Nov. 26, Mr. Michael Webb, executive vice president and chief human resources officer with Nutrien, replied to GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. In his response, Mr. Webb said that 2022 wage increases would be based on a robust market analysis combined with the pay for performance system.

“I appreciate that Mr. Webb took the time to reply, but at the same time I am concerned that when an employer relies on a market analysis it is a trailing exercise rather than a leading approach and will fall short of an inflation-reflective wage increase for every employee,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “This is just the beginning of the process of advocating for better wages and GSU will continue to press for more.”

Wagner reports that he hasn’t yet received a reply from Viterra.

GSU promotes 2022 wage increases

Tuesday Members’ Memo – Nov. 23, 2021

GSU is urging employers to step up to the plate by granting significant wage increases to employees in 2022.

On Nov. 18, GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner wrote to corporate management at Nutrien and Viterra to lobby for 2022 wage increases that at least match increases in the rate of inflation as measured by the All Items Consumer Price Index (CPI).

The CPI has recently recorded increases higher than 4 percent and the Bank of Canada has indicated upward pressure on the CPI will continue at a rate of 3.5 percent or higher for all of 2022.

Wagner advised both employers that collective agreements don’t present any barriers to awarding each and every employee a higher wage/salary increases.

“It is my respectful submission that the principles of equity, fairness, recognition and retention all support this kind of action,” Wagner said. ““When we meet employers such as Advance Manufacturing and Richardson International at the bargaining table in the latter part of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, we will be arguing for significant wage increases for all employers.”

“Other companies are being encouraged to do the right thing without waiting for the collective agreements to open for bargaining,” he continued. “As the economy continues to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and price inflation appears to be on the rise, the time to recognize and reward workers for the value of their contributions to economic growth and corporate prosperity is long overdue.”

WE’RE WORKING ON IT: Local 1 (Viterra) car loading and standby issues subject of meeting

GSU president Jim Brown and general secretary Hugh Wagner are meeting with Viterra management on Aug. 10 to discuss issues related to on again/off again train loading directives and the strain imposed on country operations employees.

“It seems as though operations management expect employees to be at their beck and call to load trains that are seldom spotted when forecast. This happens all too frequently and we’re working with GSU members to come up with relief and solutions,” said Jim Brown. “This meeting is another attempt to find a fix and we’ll issue a follow up report.”

If you need some advice about how to approach management with a problem, don’t hesitate to call your GSU staff rep. No problem is too small and sometimes a brief comment, email, or meeting is all that’s needed to address a situation. Call us when you think there is a problem to be fixed.


Grievance action results in pay boosts for several GSU members working in Local 1 (Viterra)

Persistence has paid off for several GSU members working in Viterra country operations and maintenance. They will soon see pay boosts as a result of GSU grievance action on their behalf.

The grieving members questioned the fairness of their rates of pay following implementation of the 2021 wage increase provided in the collective agreement between GSU and Viterra. Grievance action was taken and arguments were made in support of the affected employees’ complaints. And, while Viterra did not concede the merit of the grievances, the employer did conduct a local labour market assessment resulting in mid-year adjustments to the employees’ rates of pay. As a result the grievances were resolved/withdrawn.

“Each individual grievance on pay rates or pay increases brings its own set of facts to bear and this is what we work with to secure a better result for the member or members involved, ” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “These particular grievances were resolved and a couple of others are headed to arbitration.”

“A fair wage and recognition for employees’ labour is one of the pillars of being represented by GSU,” said Wagner.

If you need some advice about how to approach management with a problem, don’t hesitate to call your GSU staff rep. No problem is too small and sometimes a brief comment, email, or meeting is all that’s needed to address a situation. Call us when you think there is a problem to be fixed. Our services are provided to you as part of your union dues and there is never an additional charge for assisting you.