The board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund met in Regina on Dec. 11. The meeting agenda included receiving an update on the Fund’s assets and receiving an investment portfolio review presented by Keith Pavo of RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
GSU Defense Fund has current assets (market value) of $4.7 million. The investment and management of the Fund is overseen by a five-person elected board of directors. Current directors are Dennis Piasta (Local 14 – Kindersley), Ron Gerlock (Local 8 – Regina), Sharlene Tetrault (Local 5 – Saskatoon), Wilfred Harris (Local 1 – Carnduff), and Darryl Knelsen (Local 1 – Fairlight).
Directors are elected to two-year terms by delegates to GSU’s biennial policy conventions. The next round of elections for directors will be held during the 2020 GSU policy convention scheduled for March 19 to 21 at Temple Gardens Hotel and Spa in Moose Jaw.
Shortly after the 2020 GSU convention, the directors will meet again with RBC representatives to review and renew the investment guidelines for the Defense Fund.