It’s time for a social media spring cleaning

Like it or not, your social media platforms are telling everyone they reach a story about you.  In an age where employers are more interested in reviewing your social media presence than your resume, it’s important to ensure your social accounts are painting a positive picture. 

According to CareerBuilder, the top  pieces of social media content that turn off employers are:

  • provocative or inappropriate photographs, videos or information, 
  • information about drinking or using drugs, 
  • discriminatory comments related to race, religion, gender, etc., 
  • those who bad-mouth previous employers or co-workers, and
  • a lack of good communication skills.
What will new acquaintances and potential employers surmise about you when they peruse your pages?

If you think it might be time for a social media overhaul, learn more here :  10 Easy Ways to Clean Up And Curate Your Social Media.

This article has been printed for entertainment purposes. The views and opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of GSU, its members, officers, or staff.