On Jan. 5, the members of GSU Local 5 (Western Producer Publications) voted to accept the terms of the memorandum of settlement that was reached shortly before Christmas.
The settlement provides for salary increases of 1%, 1%, and 1.25% in the first, second and third years of the collective agreement, respectively. The bargaining committee acknowledges the increases are slightly below the cost of living.
“This has been a tough set of negotiations with the print industry hurting and COVID-19 hitting on top of that,” said Sharlene Tetrault, union bargaining committee member and president of GSU Local 5. “Our preference would have been higher salary increases, but we were able to convince the company that their most regressive proposals for new employees were not going to be accepted by our membership.”
“I’m proud of the way my fellow members stood together for future members. We were able to reach a settlement both parties could live with in the end, and we look forward to seeing the Company implement changes discussed at the table.”
Work is underway to incorporate the terms of the memorandum of settlement into the new collective agreement and have it reviewed and signed by union and company representatives. Agreement booklets will then be printed and distributed to Local 5 members.
GSU Local 5 bargaining committee members are Sharlene Tetrault, Michelle Houlden, and GSU staff rep Dale Markling.