Summer is here and it’s vacation season for those who love to be out in the heat and sunshine. As is the case every year, GSU is hearing from members who are having problems booking or receiving their requested vacation time.
“Confirmation of your vacation approval is important,” said GSU staff representative Steve Torgerson. “Don’t just assume your leave is approved. If you haven’t heard back from your supervisor, be sure to follow up and seek approval – even if that means sending an email reiterating confirmation of your vacation request or saying unless you hear otherwise you will assume it’s okay to take the requested time off.”
If you are having problems with your vacation request, contact us toll-free. We’d be happy to help you.
If you need some advice about how to approach management with a problem, don’t hesitate to call your GSU staff rep. No problem is too small and sometimes a brief comment, email, or meeting is all that’s needed to address a situation. Call us when you think there is a problem to be fixed. Our services are provided to you as part of your union dues and there is never an additional charge for assisting you.