If you are a GSU member who is interested in becoming a director on our Defense Fund board, we want to hear from you.


Delegates to GSU’s 2023 biennial policy convention in March will elect five directors to the board of GSU’s Defense Fund.

The directors hold quarterly meetings (some years a few more meetings might be necessary). The aim is to hold at least one in-person meeting each year, with the remainder being held via conference call or Zoom.

All meetings of the directors are held on regular work days and paid union leave is arranged for the board members to attend and participate.

In-person meetings of the Board are held in Regina. Accordingly, travel, hotel and meal expenses are covered by GSU’s expense policy so the member is not out-of-pocket. Paid union leave is also provided to cover travel time.

GSU Defense Fund board members are elected to two-year terms of office. All of the directors must be GSU members and three of the five directors must be from Locals 1 (Viterra – Operations & Maintenance), Local 2 (Viterra Head Office), Local 14 (Richardson) or Local 15 (Nutrien). GSU Members who serve on GSU’s Joint Executive Council cannot simultaneously serve on the on the Defense Fund board.

Candidates for the board do not have to be delegates to the GSU convention.

If you are interested in becoming a GSU Defense Fund director, please provide us with a brief bio that includes where you work, your GSU Local (or your employer), how long you have been a GSU member, why you are interested in the position, and any other relevant information you would like to share about yourself.

Point form answers are fine and a selfie is also good to include if you are comfortable with sharing a picture. Please send your information to gsu@gsu.ca at your earliest convenience but no later than March 10.

If you have questions about the position, don’t hesitate to contact your GSU staff rep.

GSU Defense Fund directors meet, approve strike/lockout pay for Local 8 (AEA) members

The board of directors of GSU’s Defense Fund met April 5 to authorize steps necessary to support members of AEA/GSU Local 8 in the event their bargaining dispute leads to strike or lockout action.

Directors unanimously approved strike/lockout pay of 75 percent of members’ regular hourly wages plus payment of the premiums necessary to continue group insurance coverage during a strike or lockout at Advance Tank Production/Advance Tank Centres in Regina. To be eligible for strike/lockout pay, union members must be active participants in the actions of the union such as refraining from working for the employer during the strike or lockout and picketing the workplace at the times and places set by the Local union executive committee.

The directors’ meeting also gave approval to administrative steps to ensure ease of funds transfers and documentation expenditures.

The GSU Defense Fund has assets in excess of $5.7 million and is administered by an elected board of directors.

There is currently one vacant directorship on the board which is open for candidates from Locals 1, 2, 14 or 15. GSU members interested in serving as a director are urged to contact GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner at Hugh@gsu.ca.

GSU members vote to continue Defense Fund dues

A majority of 72.81 percent of members voting at GSU annual meetings have voted to approve a motion to continue the additional dues being paid into the GSU Defense Fund for another year. Votes on the additional dues were conducted in conjunction with annual union Local and Sub-local meetings held this fall.

Each employee working in a GSU bargaining unit pays additional dues of one percent of regular pay to a maximum of $10 per month into the GSU Defense Fund. The additional union dues are accumulated in the GSU Defense Fund where they are invested and held in reserve to pay strike/lockout pay, benefits continuation and strike/lockout administrative expenses in the event GSU members are engaged in a strike or lockout stemming from a collective bargaining dispute.

Strike or lockout pay from the GSU Defense Fund is currently set at 75 percent of a member’s regular pay provided they are active participants in strike or lockout actions sanctioned by GSU.

The Defense Fund currently has assets of $5.4 million (market value) and is administered by a board of directors elected by delegates to GSU biennial policy conventions. The current directors of the GSU Defenses Fund are:

  • Wilfred Harris (Local 1 Carnduff),
  • Doug Kampman (Local 8 Regina),
  • Sharlene Lark (Local 5 Saskatoon),
  • Lynn Shaw (Local 15 Craik), and
  • Bruce Thompson (Local 15 Fielding).

The membership vote conducted this fall marks the 25th consecutive year that a majority of GSU members attending annual union meetings have voted to approve the additional dues being paid into the Defense Fund.

If you have questions or concerns about the GSU Defense Fund, contact your staff representative.

Three new directors elected to GSU Defense Fund

Sharlene Lark (Local 5 – Western Producer), Bruce Thompson (Local 15 – Nutrien) and Lynn Shaw (Local 15 – Nutrien) were elected to the board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund by the Sept. 24 meeting of the union’s Joint Executive Council. They join Wilfred Harris (Local 1 – Viterra) and Doug Kampman (Local 8 – Advance).

The GSU Defense Fund is administered by an elected five-person board of directors. The directors are elected by delegates to GSU policy conventions. Between policy conventions, GSU’s Joint Executive Council elects directors to fill vacancies.

The market value of the Fund is currently estimated to be $5.3 million. With the exception of cash on deposit at Affinity Credit Union, all of the Fund’s investments are held with RBC Dominion Securities.

The Fund is invested conservatively with the primary objective being preservation of the principal while earning a positive rate of return.

The primary purpose of the GSU Defense Fund is to provide strike or lockout pay and benefits to GSU members. Subject to approval by the board of directors, financial resources from the Defense Fund can be deployed for purposes such as defending the union, keeping the union operational, or the legal costs of defending members’ collective bargaining and other collective rights.

The Fund’s finances are audited each year along with the independent annual financial audit of GSU.

Learn more about the GSU Defense Fund here.

We’re accepting expressions of interest from GSU members wanting to become a GSU Defense Fund director

The board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund  is responsible for overseeing the administration and investment of the Fund assets (currently $5.3 million). The primary purpose of the Fund is to provide income protection and assistance to GSU members who are engaged in a strike or lockout.

The board of directors meets three times a year by conference call and at least once per year in person. Time off work for directors to attend to Defense Fund business is paid for by GSU along with directors’ travel, meal and hotel expenses.

Members who are elected to the Joint Executive Council of GSU are not eligible for election to the Defense Fund Board of Directors. Of the five Defense Fund Directors, three are required to be from Local 1 (Viterra Ops/Maintenance) and/or Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) and/or Local 14 (Richardson) and/or Local 15 (Nutrien).

The current vacancies on the board are open to be filled by a GSU members in good standing who are employed in any certified GSU bargaining unit.

If you are interested in becoming a GSU Defense Fund director or learning more about the responsibilities of a director, contact GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner at Hugh@gsu.ca

Deadline for receipt of expressions of interest is July 30, 2021.


GSU Defense Fund Directors meet, review first quarter report

A conference call meeting of the board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund was held on Wednesday, April 28.

The directors received and reviewed RBC’s first quarter report for 2021 which indicates a modest improvement of .39 percent in the portfolio’s market value. The combined market value of the Fund’s cash deposits at Affinity Credit Union plus its investments with RBC is $5.3 million.

The directors will examine whether there is merit in shifting the Fund’s investment strategy to mirror the S&P 500 index when they next meet with representatives from RBC.

Wilfred Harris (Local 1 (Viterra) – Carnduff), Darryl Knelsen (Local 1 (Viterra) – Fairlight), Sheldon Reiss (Local 1 (Viterra) – Regina), Barb Healey (Local 14 (Richardson) – Edenwold) and Doug Kampman (Local 8 (Advance) – Regina) were elected directors by delegates to GSU’s 2021 policy convention.

Hugh Wagner provides administrative advice and expertise to the directors. GSU finance representative Debbie Head provides financial accounting and reporting services to the board.

Would you like to be a GSU Defense Fund director? Learn more here

GSU convention delegates will elect five Defense Fund directors

When delegates to GSU’s biennial conventions meet they elect five union members to two-year terms on the board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund.

The elected directors oversee the administration and investment of the GSU Defense Fund assets (current market value of $5.2 million) and set policy for payment of strike/lockout pay for union members engaged in collective bargaining disputes. The board meets three or four times a year (or more often, if required) to review the Fund’s financial position, investment strategy and other administrative matters. Most meetings are held via conference call or video technology and paid union leave is arranged for participation in the meetings.

Every GSU member in good standing is eligible to be a candidate for a seat on the Board of Directors, although three seats are reserved for members from GSU Locals 1 (Viterra), 2 (Viterra), 14 (Richardson) or 15 (Nutrien). Union members who represent their Local on GSU’s Joint Executive Council cannot also be a director of the Defense Fund .

Candidates do not have to be delegates to the GSU biennial policy convention where the elections are conducted.

“It is useful to have knowledge of financial markets, but the main criterion to be on the board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund is a commitment to support union members’ welfare and collective bargaining rights when they get into a dispute with their employer,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “Over the years GSU members have built up a sizeable resource to defend their interests, and the responsibility of Defense Fund directors is to ensure the money is managed well so it’s available when needed.”

Would you like to be a director on the Defense Fund Board?

GSU members who want to be candidates for the board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund are asked to notify assistant general secretary Lynn Woods by email to Lynn@gsu.ca.


GSU Defense Fund ends year with new h­­­­igh

The Defense Fund is an important component of union members’ resources. The primary purposes of the GSU Defense Fund is to ensure and provide for the continued operation of GSU and to provide strike/lockout pay to members of GSU in the event they strike or are locked out.

The market value of GSU Defense Fund investments reached a new high-water mark of $5.2 million at the end of December 2020.

The overwhelming amount of the Fund is invested with RBC Dominion Securities. A cash account with Affinity Credit Union is also maintained to receive dues revenues.

The overall 2020 return on the investments with RBC was 5.36%. US investments far outpaced Canadian investments in 2020 at a 14.01% return compared to 3.54%.

At their most recent meeting in December, the Board of Directors authorized shifting the RBC asset mix from an approximately 60/40 split in favour of fixed income securities to 60/40 in favour of equities.

In March, GSU convention delegates will elect the directors of the GSU Defense Fund for two-year terms of office.

Would you like to be a director on the Defense Fund Board?

Learn more here.

If you are interested in applying or learning more about what the position entails, contact GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner at Hugh@gsu.ca.

GSU Defense Fund directors meet to review investments, finances

The board of directors of the GSU Defense Fund met on Dec. 10 to receive an update on the financial position of the Fund and hold an investment review meeting with representatives of RBC Dominion Securities.

The reports received by the directors show that the market value of the Defense Fund investments stood at $5.1 million as at Nov. 30, 2020. The directors also considered changes to RBC’s investment mandate and will meet again on Dec. 16 to discuss the matter. The Defense Fund maintains a cash account at Affinity Credit Union to receive members’ dues and all investments are held with RBC.

GSU Defense Fund is administered by a board of directors elected for two-year terms by delegates to the union’s biennial policy conventions. The current directors are Wilfred Harris (Local 1 – Carnduff), Darryl Knelsen (Local 1 – Fairlight), Dennis Piasta (Local 14 – Kindersley), Barb Healey (Local 14 – Edenwold) and Ron Gerlock (Local 8 – Regina). Day-to-day management of the Fund is the responsibility of GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner and financial representative Debbie Head.

If you have questions about the Defense Fund or are interesting in running to become a director on the Fund, contact 

Hugh Wagner.

Defense Fund board of directors meets, approves transfer for legal expenses

The GSU Defense Fund Board of board of directors met via conference call on May 24, 2018.

The purpose of the meeting was to receive an update on the value of the Fund’s assets and to consider a resolution adopted by delegates to the 2018 GSU convention to have the Fund cover up to $100,000 in GSU’s 2018 legal expenses.

The directors received a report that the Defense Fund has total assets of $4.2 million consisting of equities and fixed income investments with RBC Dominion Securities as well as money on deposit with Affinity Credit Union.

GSU’s administration anticipates that the union’s legal expenses incurred in defending members’ collective agreement rights will rise significantly in 2018 as a result of a higher number of grievances being referred to arbitration.

“In a normal year GSU’s operating budget can absorb the legal bills without too much difficulty, but with a higher number of grievances heading to arbitration it is anticipated that an additional $100,000 will be added to the union’s expenses,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner.

The Defense Fund directors considered the resolution from GSU’s convention and approved paying GSU’s 2018 legal bills up to a maximum of $100,000. Transfers from the Defense Fund to pay for GSU’s legal expenses will be made upon receipt of invoices for said services subject to review and approval by the directors.

Defense Fund directors are elected at GSU policy conventions. The current directors are Brian Lark (Local 1), Wilfred Harris (Local 1), Sharlene Tetrault (Local 5), Ron Gerlock (Local 8) and Dennis Piasta (Local 14).  

Convention delegates set union’s course for the next two years

GSU members, officers, staff, and guests gathered in Humboldt from March 22 to 24 for GSU’s biennial policy convention. Most notably, convention delegates:

  • adopted the Joint Executive Council’s annual report and GSU’s audited 2017 financials statements, and authorized distribution of same to GSU members,
  • authorized establishing a family crisis benefit for union members, and
  • defeated a resolution that would see additional membership dues being paid into the GSU Defense Fund reduced from $10 to $5 per member per month effective July 1, 2018.

GSU’s general secretary, president, vice presidents, and Defense Fund board of directors are elected at GSU biennial policy conventions. Congratulations to the following newly-elected officers:

  • Hugh Wagner will remain as GSU’s general secretary,
  • GSU president Jim Brown, vice presidents Michelle Houlden and Brett North were re-elected, and
  • Ron Gerlock, Wilfred Harris, Brian Lark, Dennis Piasta and Sharlene Tetrault were re-elected and will return as Defense Fund Directors for another two-year term.

“As expected, convention was productive, informative and entertaining,” said general secretary Hugh Wagner. “Our convention delegates spurred some great discussion, suggestions, and they have positioned us to move forward.”

If you have questions or would like more information about the convention, contact your GSU staff rep.

Changes and updates to the $4+ million Defense Fund will be discussed at convention

In addition to reviewing amendments and changes to GSU’s Defense Fund, GSU convention delegates will elect five of their peers to serve as the Defense Fund Board of Directors. (Learn more about the Defense Fund, the Board, and their responsibilities here.)

Would you like to be a Defense Fund director? Do you have changes you would recommend to the Defense Fund or defense fund dues structure?

Join us at convention or talk to your GSU staff rep.

Join GSU members, officers and staff at convention.

Come to convention and represent the hard-working members of GSU. It is union members who set the direction for the union, and convention is the place to tell us what we are doing well and to set sights on what we need to do in the future.

If you are interested in learning more or attending convention, contact your GSU staff representative .

Wages and expenses of GSU members in attendance will be covered by GSU.

GSU’s Defense Fund directors approve recommendations to re-balance equity

GSU’s Defense Fund directors and GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner met with RBC investment advisors Keith Pavo and Derrick Ng to review Defense Fund investment returns for 2017. Pavo and Ng provided a portfolio review with a focus on fixed income returns and re-balancing the equity component between Canada and US stocks before reporting on the Federated Investment US equities component of the Fund. Their report also included a recommendation to invest $250,000 with RP Investment Advisors.

After an opportunity to ask questions, board directors deliberated and voted to approve the RBC recommendations to re-balance the equity portion of the Fund investments to provide a 50/50 Canada/US ratio/exposure and to invest $250,000 with RP Investment Advisors.

The Board also undertook to review and update of the Fund investment policies and guidelines. RBC will be providing copies of the current policy and suggested wording changes.

Delegates are elected for a two-year term. The current Defense Fund directors are Ron Gerlock (Local 8 – Advance), Sharlene Tetrault (Local 5 – Western Producer), Brian Lark (Local 1 – Viterra), Wilfred Harris (Local 1 – Viterra), Dennis Piasta (Local 14 – Richardson).

The next elections for Defense Fund director positions will be held at the upcoming GSU Biennial Policy Convention March 22 to 24, 2018 in Humboldt, SK.

If you are interested in becoming a Defense Fund director or learning more about the position, contact Hugh Wagner at GSU’s Regina office. 

PHOTO: (L-r) GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner, Sharlene Tetrault, Wilfred Harris, Ron Gerlock, Dennis Piasta, Brian Lark, Keith Pavo, Derrick Ng.

Voters approve continuation of GSU Defense Fund dues

As they have for more than 20 years, GSU members attending 2017 annual meetings considered, debated and ultimately voted on whether to continue the additional union dues of $10 per member per month being paid into the GSU Defense Fund.

Once again a majority approved the motion to continue the additional dues for another year and to vote again at the 2018 annual meetings of GSU locals and sub-locals. The margin of approval was in line with previous years as 76  percent of the voters approved the motion.

GSU Defense Fund directors meet, receive fund update

The board of directors of GSU’s Defense Fund met by conference call Nov. 30. The meeting included an update on the value of the Fund, which is currently $4,153,000. The assets of the Fund consist of $3,798,000 invested with RBC Dominion Securities and $355,000 on deposit with Affinity Credit Union in Regina.

The board of directors approved a motion to transfer $250,000 from Affinity Credit Union to be invested with RBC.

The next meeting of the board is tentatively scheduled for January 12, 2018 when they intend to review the investment strategy for the Defense Fund.