Members vote, accept company’s “best offer” by slim majority
Email update to Local 14 members – March 31, 2022
Members of GSU Local 14 have held meetings over the past two weeks to vote on a bargaining settlement offer made by Richardson International on March 9.
“92.6 percent of eligible members cast ballots in the voting process and we thank all for their participation,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “The ballots have been counted and a slim majority of 56 percent have voted to accept the proposed settlement.”
As a result of the democratic decision by the members, GSU will inform the employer and proceed to finalize a renewed collective agreement with Richardson International.
Your new collective agreement is a result of collective bargaining between your elected GSU representatives and your employer, and a ratification vote by members in your local. We are pleased that so many members participated during the bargaining process and made their thoughts known, particularly so during the vote on the company’s “best offer”.
Thank you to Jerid Clark and Curtis Shiels for their time and hard work as they served as the voice of Local 14 members at the bargaining table. Their participation was invaluable and greatly appreciated.
Work will now begin to incorporate the terms of the company’s “best offer” into your new collective agreement. Once the wording of the new agreement has been agreed to and duly signed by company and union representatives, GSU will print new collective agreement booklets for distribution to all Local 14 members.
Please contact any member of your bargaining committee or your GSU staff representative if you have any questions, observations or concerns.
Zoom bargaining report call held March 21
March 21, 2022
GSU general secretary and Local 14 bargaining committee spokesperson Hugh Wagner hosting this call. He presented the bargaining report and responded to members’ questions.
Information on the settlement and the call was sent to Local 14 members by email last week.
GSU Local 14 bargaining report / notice of vote sent to members March 16
March 16, 2022
GSU has sent a bargaining report and notice of a membership vote for your review. Packages of information were sent to your facility contact for distribution to union members.
GSU staff representatives are also going to be arranging meetings at the work locations to give members and opportunity to discuss the bargaining and cast their votes in person. In addition, GSU will hold town hall Zoom meetings where general secretary Hugh Wagner will present the bargaining report and response to members’ questions.
Watch for notice of a meeting at your location and Zoom meeting notices or contact your GSU staff rep for details.
Local 14 (Richardson) members to vote on offer
Tuesday Members’ Memo – March 15, 2022
On March 9 GSU Local 14’s bargaining committee met with Richardson International representatives to resume agreement renewal collective bargaining.
The meeting did not produce a tentative bargaining settlement. Instead, Richardson management made what they described as their best offer to settle a renewed collective agreement with GSU Local 14.
Although Richardson’s offer does not provide for wage increases that the union bargaining committee was willing to sign off on and recommend, the offer is being taken to the members of Local 14 for a vote.
“It is our sincere belief that union members should have the opportunity to weigh in on the matter and have the final say,” said GSU general secretary and union bargaining committee spokesperson Hugh Wagner
A notice of vote and bargaining report are being prepared and will be sent to Local 14 members by March 16.
Work is also underway to arrange information sessions as well as in-person union meetings where members can cast their ballots.
Further updates will follow.
Bargaining with Richardson International resumes March 9
Tuesday Members’ Memo – March 1, 2022
“When we meet management again on March 9, we will continue to do our best to bring about a settlement for Local 14 members to vote on,” said union bargaining committee spokesperson and GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner.
The parties last met on Feb. 16.
Local 14 (Richardson) members may soon assess, vote and determine next step in process
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Feb. 22, 2022
When GSU local 14’s bargaining committee last met with their counterparts from Richardson International on Feb. 16, some additional progress was made in narrowing the differences on the issues of sick leave and wage increases.
“The bargaining session paused at the end of the day on February 16 so that GSU’s committee could assess where things stand,” said union bargaining spokesperson Hugh Wagner. “The next day I proposed meeting again on February 23 but management advised that scheduling prevents their committee from meeting again until March 9 or 10.”
“The delay isn’t optimum and we’ll continue to look for an earlier resumption of the bargaining,” Wagner said. “Even if we don’t meet until March 9, I think one more session will bring things to a point where union members will be able to assess, vote, and determine how the bargaining is going to turn out.”
“The Local 14 bargaining committee is doing its level best to bring about negotiated wage increases in line with members’ expectations,” said Wagner. “The final word goes to union members.”
Follow-up meeting being planned for week of Feb. 21
Source: Feb. 16 Email Update to GSU Local 14 Members
GSU’s Local 14 bargaining committee met with their counterparts from Richardson International for the better part of Wednesday, February 16.
The bargaining discussions are ongoing and a follow-up meeting is being planned for the middle of next week.
Updates will be shared as information is available.
An email update was sent to members on Feb. 17. If you are a Local 14 member and you didn’t receive the update, you are not in our database list. Please contact GSU staff representative Mason Van Luven at to update your contact information.
Bargaining to resume Feb. 16 with Richardson International
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Feb. 8. 2022
GSU’s Local 14 bargaining committee will resume agreement renewal bargaining with Richardson International management on Feb. 16. The parties last met on Jan. 12 although they have been communicating in the meantime.
The union bargaining committee used the break to consult with members at the locations. Members’ consistent response emphasized the importance of paid sick leave and wage increases for every employee in keeping with the rising cost of living.
“When we meet management on February 16 we will be guided by the views of Local 14 members and do our level best to bring about a settlement that addresses their concerns,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner.
GSU Local 14 (Richardson) bargaining committee awaits company reply
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Feb. 1, 2022
At GSU’s Local 14 bargaining committee’s request, GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner spoke with Richardson’s spokesperson on Jan. 28 about resuming bargaining meetings. It is expected that the employer will reply later this week regarding a meeting date(s).
“A wage increase for every employee that is consistent with the rising cost of living is a major issue to be resolved as we work toward settling a new collective agreement,” said Wagner.
Further updates will follow.
GSU Local 14 (Richardson) bargaining committee receives update on member consultations
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Jan. 25, 2022
GSU’s Local 14 bargaining committee convened on Jan. 17 for a report on GSU agreement renewal bargaining consultations with union members at their various locations. Although the process of sounding-out members’ views on bargaining issues is not complete, the emerging message is concern over the rising price of inflation and obtaining a wage increase for all employees that addresses their cost of living concerns.
Late last week GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner contacted Richardson’s bargaining spokesperson to convey union members’ cost of living concerns and the importance of an across-the-board wage increase for every employee in the union bargaining unit.
Follow-up discussion regarding the direction of bargaining is anticipated later this week.
Union and Company sides to review, reflect on differences before touching base again
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Jan. 18, 2022
Your GSU Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) bargaining committee met with Richardson International Limited representatives in Regina on Jan. 11 and 12 to resume agreement renewal negotiations.
While considerable progress was made, a difference in perspective remains on the question of wage increases.
GSU is consulting with Local 14 members
When bargaining adjourned Jan. 12, both sides agreed to review and reflect on the differences standing in the way of a tentative settlement and touch base in the near future.
GSU staff representatives are reaching out to Local 14 members to provide an update and answer questions about agreement renewal negotiations. These updates will take place after hours or during members’ scheduled break(s).
If you would like to speak to a GSU staff representative when they visit, contact your sub-local union representative or your GSU staff rep to confirm the day and time of your scheduled visit. If you aren’t available or have questions that arise after your rep’s visit, don’t hesitate to contact us by email, text or phone.
Some progress made in Local 14/Richardson bargaining; committees will meet again in Regina, Jan. 11, 12
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Dec. 21, 2021

(L-r) GSU’s Local 14 bargaining committee members Curtis Shiels, Hugh Wagner, Jerid Clarke and Mason Van Luven. Missing from photo: Donna Driediger.
GSU’s Local 14 bargaining committee met with their counterparts from Richardson International on Dec. 20 and 21 as both sides reviewed and revised the bargaining proposals they tendered during their first bargaining meeting the previous week.
“While we made some progress, there are key matters to be resolved and a significant difference between the two parties on the subject of wage increases. The union committee is continuing to press for across-the-board wage increases that reflect the rising cost of living,” said GSU general secretary and union bargaining spokesperson Hugh Wagner. “When the Dec. 21st bargaining meeting ended, it was evident that more work needs to be done to find the basis for a settlement, and we agreed to meet again on Jan. 11 and 12.”
Local 14/Richardson bargaining to begin Dec. 14, continue Dec. 20 and 21
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Dec. 7, 2021
Agreement renewal bargaining with Richardson International will begin with an exchange of bargaining proposals on Dec. 14. Bargaining will continue when the two sides meet again on Dec. 20 and 21 in Regina.
“It’s taken awhile to nail down dates, but soon we will begin to work on renewing the collective agreement covering GSU members working for Richardson,” said GSU general secretary and union bargaining spokesperson Hugh Wagner. “As reported in earlier updates, I anticipate the main focus will be on wage increases that address the rising cost of living.”
The union bargaining proposals assembled by Local 14 delegates will be published in conjunction with their presentation to company management on Dec. 14. Further reports will be released as the bargaining proceeds.
We’re pressing Richardson Pioneer for new bargaining dates; Local 14 members should watch their email for updates
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Nov. 16, 2021
When Richardson Pioneer asked to postpone what was to be the first bargaining session on Nov. 10, GSU’s committee agreed to the postponement and decided to use the day to meet, review the bargaining process, and fine-tune the proposals. We continue to press the company to set a new date to begin bargaining.
As previously reported, there are four members on GSU Local 14’s bargaining committee. GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner will once again serve as the union’s bargaining spokesperson. GSU Local 14 members Curtis Shiels and Jerid Clark are new to bargaining and Nov. 10 was their first opportunity to meet each other and GSU staff rep Mason Van Luven. As a relatively new staff member of the union, this is Van Luven’s second opportunity to participate at a GSU bargaining table.
Van Luven previously worked for an access to justice organization, so while he is new to sitting at a bargaining table, he is familiar with the challenge of opposing sides seeking common ground and the importance of careful phrasing of proposals.
“I’ve had experience with two very different parties with different interests coming together to find a compromise that doesn’t undermine anyone’s position, and I’ve seen how just one word can change the entire meaning of an article,” Van Luven said. “I’m looking forward to being a part of the bargaining committee as a union staff member and seeing how the process unfolds.”’
Van Luven has been tasked with providing GSU bargaining updates to members of Local 14 as bargaining proceeds.
Our Tuesday Members’ Memo database is our contact information source, so members who aren’t currently receiving our e-newsletter won’t receive bargaining updates. Please share this information with your co-workers and encourage them to contact GSU staff rep Mason Van Luven at to be added to our email list.
Local 14 (Richardson) bargaining postponed; GSU committee meets to prepare
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Nov. 9, 2021
Agreement renewal bargaining between GSU Local 14 and Richardson International was set to kick off with an exchange of bargaining proposals on Nov. 10. The meeting has been postponed at the request of the employer in order for them to address some internal administrative processes. GSU Local 14’s bargaining committee of Jerid Clark (White City), Curtis Shiels (Melville), Mason Van Luven (GSU staff) and Hugh Wagner (GSU staff) are using the opportunity to meet on Nov. 10 to review the union’s proposals and prepare for the first bargaining meeting.
“Bargaining with Richardson is about to begin as Canadians are experiencing significant rises in the cost of living, “ said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “I have no doubt that wage increases and related matters will be front and center when we meet with the employer’s representatives.”
Local 14’s bargaining proposals will be posted on GSU’s web site following their being presented to Richardson’s representatives.
Local 14 (Richardson) bargaining committee elected, proposals assembled, tentative meeting dates sought
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Oct. 19, 2021
Delegates representing GSU Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) met on Oct. 13 to review the priorities identified by members and to put together a series of proposals for agreement renewal bargaining with the employer. Meeting delegates also elected Jerid Clark (White City) and Curtis Shiels (Melville) to be on the GSU bargaining committee along with general secretary Hugh Wagner.
The collective agreement between GSU and Richardson expires on Dec. 31, 2021. Notice to bargain was served by GSU at the beginning of September.
“I’ve been in touch with Ms. Heather Dezan, who is Richardson’s lead on this file, and we discussed the logistics of bargaining as well as tentative meeting dates,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “I anticipate that bargaining will begin in the second or third week of November.”
Bargaining reports will be released by GSU as agreement renewal bargaining progresses.
Local 14 (Richardson) delegates to meet, review bargaining priorities, and elect bargaining committee
Tuesday Members’ Memo – Oct. 12, 2021
Delegates representing GSU Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) will meet via Zoom on Oct. 12 to review bargaining priorities identified by members and assemble bargaining proposals to raise with company management.
The collective agreement between GSU and Richardson expires on Dec. 31, 2021. Notice to bargain the amendment and renewal of the collective agreement was served by GSU at the beginning of September.
“Union members have pointed to a number of key areas to address in bargaining with the employer and it won’t surprise anyone that wage increases are at the top of the list,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “The delegates meeting on Wednesday will sort out the issues and put together a series of bargaining proposals as well as elect a bargaining committee to meet with company representatives.”
“We hope to begin meeting with our counterparts in Richardson management in the near future,” Wagner said. “We’ll provide update reports to members as the bargaining proceeds.”
Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) collective agreement expires Dec. 31, notice to bargain served
Sept. 8, 2021
GSU served notice to bargain Sept. 7 to Richardson International Limited on behalf of the members of the union’s Local 14.
When notice to bargain the amendment and renewal of a collective agreement is served under the Canada Labour Code, the employer and the union are required to meet and make a good faith effort to negotiate a renewed collective agreement. The collective agreement between GSU and Richardson currently covers 10 locations in Saskatchewan.
In this instance, the collective agreement expires on Dec. 31. However, even if the parties haven’t reached a new agreement by the expiry date, the existing collective agreement lives on until the parties agree on a replacement or they exhaust the bargaining dispute process under the Canada Labour Code and end up in a legal strike or lockout situation.
“GSU’s relationship with Richardson management is open, straightforward and respectful,” says GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “So far we’ve always been able to find the basis for bargaining a renewed collective agreement without too much difficulty and I anticipate this time around will proceed along the same lines.”
“We’ve just completed receiving bargaining surveys from Local 14 members and work is underway to distill the results for sharing with the Local’s union delegates. From there, a series of bargaining proposals will be put together and eventually presented to the employer,” Wagner said. “We will be working with the Local 14 delegates to take a solid set of bargaining proposals to the employer.”
“Not surprisingly, a substantial wage increase topped the list of priorities identified in the surveys returned by Local 14 members,” said Wagner. “We’ll do our best at the bargaining table to achieve the aspirations identified by union members. Ultimately the outcome is in their hands as any settlement or other action is subject to a vote by union members.”
Updates will be provided as agreement renewal collective bargaining proceeds.
Congratulations to Tim Kachmarski – winner of an iPad in our Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) bargaining survey draw
Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our bargaining survey. The insight you have provided is important and appreciated.
Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) delegates to meet early Sept., prepare bargaining proposals, elect bargaining committee
August 4, 2021
Members of GSU Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) are being asked to complete a GSU bargaining survey to help focus efforts on negotiating a new collective agreement with their employer this autumn. Union delegates will meet in early September to review member priorities, prepare a bargaining platform, and elect a committee to meet with company management.
Surveys were distributed by union delegates and sent by email to individual Local 14 members on Aug. 3. If you are a Local 14 member and you didn’t receive a survey, contact us at
Surveys returned to GSU’s Regina office by Aug. 31 will be entered in a draw to win an iPad.
Local 14 members who complete the contact information section on the survey will be automatically entered into the draw.
GSU Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer) members urged to complete bargaining survey
July 28, 2021
Today we began distributing a GSU bargaining survey to members of GSU Local 14 (Richardson Pioneer). The survey is intended to help focus efforts on negotiating a new collective agreement with the employer this coming autumn.
“Regardless of whether people have one or a number of issues they’d like to see addressed at the bargaining table, completing the Local 14 bargaining survey is the first step in the process of securing a new and improved collective agreement with Richardson,” said GSU general secretary Hugh Wagner. “Perhaps a wage increase and inflation are top of mind issues for people as the Bank of Canada is predicting an annual increase of 3 percent in the consumer price index. Whatever the priorities might be, we’d like to know the top-of-mind issues when a series of bargaining proposals is assembled.”
“The ideas and priorities identified by union members form the basis of the material we take to the bargaining table, “ Wagner said. “Delegates from the locations will meet in early September to put together a bargaining platform and elect a committee to meet with Company management. The first thing we need is the input of union members.”
If you are a Local 14 member, watch your email for your copy of the survey. If you don’t receive your copy, contact us at