Membership meeting scheduled for June 13; Bargaining scheduled for July 20, 21 and 22
Movement toward a tentative settlement continued when the two sides met in Yorkton on May 24, 25 and 26. As a result, GSU’s bargaining committee has scheduled a meeting on June 13 to give Local 4 members an opportunity to receive an in-person bargaining update and ask any questions they have before bargaining resumes in July.
Bargaining held May 24, 25, 26; membership update meeting to be held June 13
This was the third bargaining session between the parties and now it’s time to check in with the members.
A bargaining update meeting has been scheduled for Monday, June 13, 2022, at 8:00 p.m. at the Gallagher Centre in Yorkton.
Local 4 (Grain Millers) bargaining held April 26; scheduled for May 24, 25 and 26
Tuesday Members’ Memo – May 3, 2022
The Local 4 bargaining committee met with the company representatives on April 26 to resume bargaining. This was the second bargaining session after the opening round of negotiations on March 22, 23 and 24.
Employee medical benefits (prescription, dental, life insurance, etc.) were the focus at this bargaining meeting. Your committee made headway in understanding the costs of current coverage, what costs are associated with increased coverage and how it all fits in with the entire bargaining package.
Bargaining is scheduled to continue May 22, 23 and 24 in Yorkton.
If you have any questions please reach out to a member of your bargaining committee.
Progress made in first three days of bargaining
Tuesday Members’ Memo – March 29, 2022
Bargaining got underway March 22, 23 and 24 in Yorkton with both sides introducing their bargaining proposal package.
“Over the three days there was good discussion, and progress was beginning to be made,” reports bargaining committee member and GSU staff rep Brian Lark.
Bargaining dates have been tentatively set for April 25 and 26.
Local 4 (Grain Millers) bargain underway
Tuesday Members’ Memo – March 22, 2022
Bargaining began today with GSU Local 4’s bargaining committee meeting company representatives to introduce and exchange bargaining proposals. Bargaining is scheduled for March 22, 23 and 24 in Yorkton.
Local 4 (Grain Millers) bargaining set to begin March 22
Tuesday Members’ Memo – March 8, 2022
Local 4’s bargaining committee will be sitting down with company representatives to introduce and exchange bargaining proposals on March 22, 23 and 24 in Yorkton.

On Jan. 14, GSU staff representatives Steve Torgerson and Brian Lark met with the Local 4 (Grain Millers) bargaining committee to discuss bargaining proposals. These proposals were developed from member suggestions to the local executive during the duration of the current collective bargaining agreement and ideas that were shared during the Local’s annual general meeting held in Oct. 28, 2021.
Current proposals address:
- annual wage increases,
- improvements and clarification on current benefits,
- clarification on some work-related duties and hours of work,
- housekeeping additions/changes in the current collective agreement language.
GSU’s detailed bargaining proposal package will be shared with Local members as soon as it has been presented to the company’s bargaining committee.
GSU served Grain Millers Canada Corp. with notice of collective bargaining on Jan. 17, 2022. The current collective agreement between Grain Millers and GSU Local 4 is set to expire March 31, 2022. As with all GSU collective agreements, the current agreement remains in place until a new agreement is reached.
We will keep you updated and share new information and updates as bargaining proceeds. If you have questions at any point, contact GSU staff reps Steve Torgerson or Brian Lark, or any member of your bargaining committee.
GSU Local 4 Grain Millers bargaining committee members are Glen Wlasichuk, Ryan McNabb, Brandon Allin, Carter MacKay, Tyler Chorneyko (alternate), GSU staff rep Brian Lark, GSU staff rep and bargaining spokesperson Brian Lark.